AKUS - So Long So Wrong- Time to Stop Upgrading?

Just purchased this LP based on the fabulous reviews.

I would have to say that the song: It Doesn't Matter Anymore is the best sound I have ever heard on my system. Her voice and the instrumentation sounds perfect to me. Maybe the slight reverbation helps. Worth buying just for this song.

My point is that everyone worries about the equipment when in my opinion the engineering of the record itself is a major limiting factor in sound quality. In other words until I heard this song I didn't realize how good my system was. If this song sounds great to me then why spend thousands more upgrading?

Unfortunately it is records themselves and CDs that need to be substantially improved. I am sure it would sound better on other systems but at how much expense? I probably will upgrade my cartidge (the Lyra Lydian) which is probably the weakest link in the system but again I am 100% satisfied with the sound of this song.

Homerun, right out of the park. I just love music, any way I can get it.

While writing this I'm listening to AKUS latest "Lonely Goes Both Ways" on red book. I love the way she works the mike with her voice. amazing. So Long, So Wrong is the next up.
I have the Mo-Fi vinyl AKUS double album and it's really well recorded, mastered and pressed. Some of the quietest vinyl I have heard. Also agree on the recording being so important. Choice of microphones is really critical in getting a great recording.
If you like AKUS you may also want to check out Kelly Willis. Her album "Easy" was produced by Gary Paczosa and the mastering was by Doug Sax at the Mastering Lab. Great sound and some really nice songs as well. Leans more to country than AKUS but also has a pop flavor without going over the top.
Nice to see that many others like this song. Love to hear it in a direct comparison to a more expensive Lyra cartridge like the Titan or Skala.

As far as the live album, I think my SACD version sounds better. The LP sounds somewhat soft to me but I have only played it a few times. Will be listening to it again.
I did upgrade to the Audio Research PH-7 phonostage from the Thor. Incredible sound. The upper bass is much better. In So Long So Wrong, I now hear a slight percussion sound at the beginning on the left channel. If you can hear this you have a great phonostage!