Shelby Lynne

I have the new Shelby Lynne cover disc of songs recorded by Dusty Springfield. I think it is my favorite disc of the past 6 months at least. Others hear this?
Happy to see my ears are still functioning! Another new disc that I also like a lot is the new Cat Power, also covers. Quite beautiful.
I have, "I Am Shelby Lynn" and like it a lot. Thanks for the heads up on something new by her. Can you anyone tell me what else of her discography is worth getting? (vinyl or CD ok w/me).
Shelby Lynne's two albums (the new one and "I am Shelby Lynne) are definitely good one's IMHO. If anyone wants some others to check out in the genre, my recommendations are:

Bettye LaVette (real soul)- Scene of the crime
Buddy and Julie Miller- same
Jollie Holland- Escondida (more New Orleans jazz I guess)
Tift Merrett- Bramble Rose
Laretta Lynn- Van Lear Rose

Another really good LP I just got was Rickie Lee Jones- It's like this.... The 45rpm Analog prod. deal..... Really, really good stuff
