What piece of music can you play over & over?

I had discovered a new opera a few years back that I can't believe I played over and over for six weeks straight without changing the disk once.
I believe this means the composer was a genius, who else but Mozart can do this, and the opera was Abduction from the Seraglio.
Have any goners found themselves in the same situation.
Just out of curiousity has anyone gone the lenght with the music they recommended. Let's say 8 hours of the same cd or song whatever was submitted in. I say this because on paper some music sounds good, but if you were to hear let's say the song "I wanna hold your hand" for eight hours I think it would eventually wear on the listener,no.
Personally I think it is easier to do with classical than with other styles, I'm sure i'm going to hear retaliation for that one,JMHO.
12-31-08: Pedrillo
Just out of curiousity has anyone gone the lenght with the music they
recommended. Let's say 8 hours of the same cd or song whatever was
submitted in.


Posing the question borders on insanity.
On your "eight hours of the same cd": I was in England about fifteen years ago and there was a case in the papers where a woman was suing her neighbor in an appartment building. She had been loudly playing Whitney Houstan's I Will Always Love You over and over again all day long for a month or so until her neighbor burst into her appartment and threw her cd player out a fifth story window. The judge dismissed the case on grounds that she had incited her neighbors actions herself by torturing her neighbors with "that absurdly annoying song".
For at least a year I would fall asleep to Brian Eno-Neroli. It would play on loop all night and as I would fall in and out of sleep I would hear it. Does that count?
Same song or album, non stop listening for eight hours?

EX. “I Want To Hold Your Hand”?

Someone has obviously missed the surgeon general’s warning label afixed to every Beatles CD which says;

WARNING: Continuous playback of this disc can result in combustion of the disc material. Extensive uninterrupted listening to the Beatles music may also result in loss of your audiophile credentials. Also, the extensive timeliness and costs for re-associative therapy pursuant to recovery from such instances can not be either foreseen, nor guaranteed. You may disregard this message if this album is “Rubber Soul” “Revolver” “The White Album” or “Abbey Road”. Happy listening.