Konfounding Kinks

Sometimes we revisit old favorites with new appreciation. the kinks had a run of albums..'face to face', 'something else', 'the village green preservation society', and 'arthur' which rank with the best of any rock band at the time, and lately i have started to spin them alot. any kinks fans ever kontimplate just how incrdible they were?
Kronikles is on CD.

Its a very good collection of vintage Kinks material and the sound quality is quite good also.
Love this band, especially "Muswell" and "Village". Along with the Faces, one of the best and under-rated English bands from that decade and a cornerstone of any pub listening experience. You can also see the direct lineage to modern bands like the Blur.

The original albums of the above titles rock compared to the TERRIBLE reissues that are being pawned off on the audiophile community.
I think they may have lost the masters. All the CDs sound like second generation tapes.
Good comparison between the Kinks & the Faces as similarly great & over-looked. I recently discovered the fantastic 4-CD set "Five Guys Walk into a Bar." Sonics of this rare demo & live material is up and down, but it's an amazing testament to the Faces, and to how once in a generation or so the stars all line up in drunkeness.