Mahavishnu Orchestra fans...?

Which album/s would you recommend for the heavier/fusion type stuff? Thanks. I own one live recording and would like studio recordings.
Thanks for the response/info. Holdsworth I have listened to a bit though some time ago. Are there any newer bands that do the same type stuff? My collection has grown since I purchased a cd player back in early '82 or '83 along with a handful of longcase cd's which I still own (was military dependant overseas in High Sch)) It varies to the extreme (light jazz, Joni, Zappa, classic rock, pop, death metal) I like Tribal Tech, and virtioso prog rock bands like Dream Theater etc...? I just prefer the more talented fusion jazz/rock type bands the most.
You could try McLaughlin's 2008 release Floating Point. Fusion music recorded in India with Indian musicians.

There's also Chick Corea's fusion efforts, both solo and with Return To Forever and Elektric Band. His catalog is huge, but some personal faves are Romantic Warrior and My Spanish Heart.

I'm also a fan of Jean Luc Ponty's (electric violin) bands from the 70's and 80's. Try Aurora, Imaginary Voyage, Enigmatic Ocean, and Cosmic Messenger for starters.

Tribal Tech is good, but no one has ever reached the same peak as Mahavishnu.

Gammajo: Both Inner Mounting Flame and Birds of Fire were remastered a few years ago and sound better. In addition Mofi issued Inner Mounting Flame on CD in 1999.
Hands down, Visions of the Emerald Beyond. Michael Walden replaced Billy Cobham on drums and Jean Luc Pony replaced Sugar Cane Harris on violin. Who would have thought that Billy Cobham was replaceble? Walden was spectacular on this record. Jean Luc Ponty? WOW! No need to say anymore, just Wow! First time I heard it I cried. That was 1974 and I was 17. Man I miss the 70's.
Going a little beyond Mahavishnu I would recommend the Tony Williams Lifetime's "Emergency", Miles Davis' "Jack Johnson", Larry Coryell's "Spaces", Miroslav Vitous' "Mountain In the Clouds" and McLaughlin's solo album "Devotion". All heavily feature McLaughlin's groundbreaking guitar work.