Mahavishnu Orchestra fans...?

Which album/s would you recommend for the heavier/fusion type stuff? Thanks. I own one live recording and would like studio recordings.
Going a little beyond Mahavishnu I would recommend the Tony Williams Lifetime's "Emergency", Miles Davis' "Jack Johnson", Larry Coryell's "Spaces", Miroslav Vitous' "Mountain In the Clouds" and McLaughlin's solo album "Devotion". All heavily feature McLaughlin's groundbreaking guitar work.
Heh, heh, Chashmal - metallic taste in your mouth! I know *exactly* what you're talking about. And I also concur on the Inner Mounting Flame recommendation. Man, those were the daze, dude!

Gammajo -

Sony/Legacy did issue remastered versions of these titles a few years back. I can't comment on "Inner Mounting Flame" but the more recent CD issue of "Birds of Fire" does sound better than the previous one.

The Speakers Corner LP of "Inner Mounting Flame" certainly sounds better than the 1st issue CD.
As per usual, whenever the subject of Fusion (or just about any type of Jazz, come to think of it) comes up, everybody starts to take a walk down memory lane. I'm 55 yrs old, was fortunate enough to have seen original Mahavishnu and Return To Forever in small clubs in NY before they went 'stadium', and I STILL enjoy Fusion to this day. But as much as I dig the old stuff, there's NEW material that's really and truly, KILLA! I've done this before and it's usually ignored BUT, y'all can't say you ain't been told;) Here ya go, I'll give you specific recordings or just the artist/band.

Adam Holzman (Mile's last keyboard man) - Jazz Rocket Science
Alan Pasqua - The Antisocial Club
Cab 2
Cab 4
Dave Weckl Band
Dennis Chamber - Planet Earth
Greg Howe - Extraction
Jing Chi
Karizma - Document
Simon Phillips - Out Of The Blue
SMV - Thunder

Truthfully there's SO much more but anyone that's serious about Fusion will enjoy the HELL outta this short list.