Amy Winehouse.RIP

Passed away today in London.
Such a talent with sadly many demons.
You guys are an odd bunch. To get so worked up that some found her
death predictable, her attitude and arrogance about drug abuse foolish
and disgusting, and her career more hype than talent is really wehere
the trouble is. Whats too much for you folks? Who is a fool if not her,
who is not a victim if she is? People can be sad or mad so let all be
heard. Some think this post will be stupid, some think those who are sad
are stupid, its a big tent with many opinions and if you have witnessed
suicide or the downward spiral of drug abuse some take a path of
compassion and forgive all actions. Some get mad at the pointless loss,
the weakness of the addict and the pain it leaves behind.
When she popped up on the sad music scene if at first somebody didnt
know her by name it was quickly followed with something to the affect of
"you know, that junkie chic that sings about not going to
rehab". Now thats a great claim to fame!
I dont feel bad or sad, she doesnt deserve it. She celebrated her drug
infested life and went rehab to help her bank account by getting her
image upgraded. She didnt respect the gift of life, her extreme luck in
music (yes I am saying she was pretty average in talent) so why bother
respecting her? She ruined her family, friends and some fans with
eternal sadness so why would you celebrate that and be so ready to
lecture those who see her and this event for what it actually was?
She was just another spoiled brat who bought into the hype of those
who kissed her ass, now can we move on with life, we value it. Cheers

One thing is certain- this subject and the passions it inspires will quickly fade, and Winehouse will be resigned to distant memory.

That is how life works, it has always been that way, and it always will.
Yup, her music wont last cause it was just pop fad. We wont be talking about her in 20yrs for sure. Wait we might when and if a song of hers pops up and it will go something like this "isnt that the junkie chic that died?" cause thats about the sum of her. Cheers
True she had a derivitive, stylized voice but she could.carry a.tune...became a hardcore junkie which is en vogue in certain circles like london...she seemed like a trendy, posuer type you encounter in any big city
So true, so true and that makes her even more pathetic not to mention less sympathetic. Bravo cause thats brilliant!