Happy Record Store Day

Happy RSD everyone. May your scores be vinyl in nature and may the deals be ever so sweet!

I scored BIG today. Got everything on my list. Go out and support your local independent record store. Spend some BUCK$!!!
Got my Tebowie! I take my six year-old daughter she always seems to end up with a bag full of free swag.
I was first in line at my local store. I grabbed what I was after, and was out the door twelve minutes after they opened, leaving a crowd in my wake. Amongst my finds was a twelve inch Bill Evans- Live at Top of the Gate.
I don't get it. Why would someone go shopping for records on a day when the store is going to be swamped, waits just to get in, more waits to check out. ????????????????
In my town, St. Louis, The Record Exchange is open every day and every day the LPs cost from $5-$8 depending on the quality. I feel lucky every time I shop there. I manage to score 4 out of 6 perfect records and the other 2 are ok. I don't return them, even though I can. The owner is barely making a living and I am just grateful to have a place I can shop. It's good to have a special record day to remind people that records still exist, but we are an extinct species. Be grateful for what you have. Support your local record store in any way you can. You can't ever have enough records!
I don't get it. Why would someone go shopping for records on a day when the store is going to be swamped, waits just to get in, more waits to check out. ????????????????

The records that are released on RSD are VERY limited in quantity and the stores never know what they are going to get. Most of the titles in the store(s) I was in, sold out within just a few minutes. Kind of like a concert or World Series game or Super Bowl tickets.

It's the thrill of the hunt and the feeling of joy when you find your treasures. What a rush dude!
