Do you ration your favorite music?

When I find some new music that is outstandingly good and that is also exceptionally well recorded, I find myself rationioning my listening to it. I try to avoid over playing it to make sure I dont spoil it for myself. I think this might be one of the drivers for the size of my collection. How about you?
Not me-I play it as many times as I want until I get sick of it. Then I shelve it for a few weeks or months and come back to it.
of course not, its the only point of having a decent system, the pleasure of the music. What am I missing here?
No, I think the key(for me) is to keep your music collection somewhat limited. This way every recording has nearly the same value and interest.
Yes, definitely for the albums that I consider masterpieces. I use them as a treat, just like I might a very fine cigar or 20 year old Scotch. I guess I’m trying to make every time like the first time.
" Familiarity can breed contempt " LOL. I'm somewhat the opposite, when I hear some music I like I just can't get enough of it, and go from liking it to loving it.