Why does most new music suck?

Ok I will have some exclusions to my statement. I'm not talking about classical or jazz. My comment is mostly pointed to rock and pop releases. Don't even get me started on rap.... I don't consider it music. I will admit that I'm an old foggy but come on, where are some talented new groups? I grew up with the Beatles, Who, Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin, Hendrix etc. I sample a lot of new music and the recordings are terrible. The engineers should be fired for producing over compressed shrill garbage. The talent seems to be lost or doesn't exist. I have turned to some folk/country or blues music. It really is a sad state of affairs....Oh my god, I'm turning into my parents.

No argument, but consider the music prior to Elvis and The BEatles to that after. Big difference! I was born in 1959 (13 years older than you). Music changed in big ways over the next two decades from the time I was born. To some extent during the 80s and 90's and later as well, but to a much lesser degree in terms of music popular with kids and younger adults of the time. Many tend to like a lot of older rock/pop music just like classical lovers still listen to Bach and Mozart as well as newer composers. There is love for the genre of classical music, much like for rock music. But most new music out there today is no longer rock/pop, a lot of that has been done and yes hard to top, though it still happens. Its when one considers newer musical forms and genres that the argument for new music changes, much like rock and roll changed the argument for what comprised good music for many back in those days. Its hard to compare apples and oranges, but does not mean either sucks.
I suppose its a glass half full or glass half empty type of thing. I will chose the glass half full perspective. Would a full glass really be any better? I can only drink so much at a time. After that, its not as enjoyable. And there are plenty of old favorites out there to always fall back on as needed. If I'm around for another twenty years or so, there will surely be even more.
There will always be enough one-hit wonders to keep the airwaves interesting (if you can find the right stations).
I did prefer the time when all I seemed to need was one or two "top 40" stations, but I was young and naive and settled for some things I would not listen to now. For me I guess the great radio years were 1962-1973 though there's certainly tons of great stuff from before and after that period.
Jazz had been good since it was born and it's good now. Lotslotslots of good performances and artists. Rock is dead tho.
"I did prefer the time when all I seemed to need was one or two "top 40" stations, but I was young and naive and settled for some things I would not listen to now."

Yes, I am fond of those days as well.

Being the techn-geek I was though, when I got my first real stereo in ~ 1972 (a $200 Sanyo compact with radio, phono and cassette all in one, like were very popular in those days), I spent countless hours trying to rig better antennas in order to pick up faint or distant stations from Philly, Baltimore, DC or wherever I might find better in hopes of finding more good stations and music to listen to. IT worked to some degree but many were quite noisy.

Jump to today....more music available both current and past at my fingertips with very good fidelity than anyone could possibly listen to in their lifetime.

AH, the good old days when life was simple and imperfect yet everything still sounded fresh and new. Is it me? OR is it Memorex?