King of the one liners

If you guys and gals care to participate, this can't help but be a fun thread. I'll start with a joke: An Irishman walks out of a bar... That's it.
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What's the difference between a duck and a chicken?

You can't get down with a chicken!
You put your dog and your wife in the trunk of your car....half hour later, who'se happy to see you?
Guy walks into a bar with a duck on his head. Bartender says "can I help you?" Duck says "get this guy off my butt".

My mother didn't breastfeed me. She said she only wanted to be friends.

I was kidnapped as a child. They cut off one of my fingers and sent it to my folks. My folks said they needed more proof.

I wanted to go ice skating on the pond. My mother said "wait until it gets warmer".