Paging Mr. Albert Porter

Hi Albert, Its been about a year since you got your Dali Mega-Liners. You were nice enough to share your opinions regarding their sound in your system here on the Gon and Positive Feedback Online at the beginning of your audtion process.( An unbelievable long break in, your desire to change certain parts, and waiting to have the external crossovers replaced with custom tube ones, if I remember correctly) Well, what has happened? What's the verdict? Are you a happy audiophile with Dali's now? It would be greatly appreciated if you would share the, "current state of the art" regarding your speakers. I'll thank you in advance.
If you had my Genesis 201's would you rip them apart looking for nervona?? Possibly the best speakers I have owned over the years. I have not heard much that can compare to them when auditioning equiptment.
Thanks Teajay, I need to have a look at that review. It's funny they arrived at the same conclusion I did a year ago. The crossover I had designed and built literally transformed the speaker.

My audio group met last night, and as always we were commenting on the systems progress. General consensus is I've surpassed my previous Sound-Lab U-1's in the impossible area of "middle" midrange where these big electrostatics take on all comers.

The rest of the tonal range of this speaker is superb, I have bass that literally shudders the room when the musical content calls for it.

I just installed the (not yet released) Purist Audio 20th Anniversary cables and that plus the Telefunken 12AT7 input tubes and 6350 drivers are putting this system into scary territory.

I wish this discussion was on my thread:

Albert Porter System

It's confusing to switch back and forth on progress of the system on two threads.
i have had experience with both avalons and maggies(since their inception).....racerxnt is right, the genesis 201 is far and away a reference product. far more than attractive furniture.
Hello :)

I might be purchasing a Dali Megalines set soon. May I ask if you make your custom crossovers for sale? If so, how much would it cost? Can I try it risk free?

If not, would you be so kind as to share the design so I can make one for myself (a scary proposition indeed).

Thank you,

I think purchasing the Dali Megaline is a wise choice, I absolutely love mine now that I have everything sorted out.

I do not sell the custom Dali crossover. Tom will construct another one if your willing to wait while he assembles it.

It is all hand construction with parts matched to less than 1%, point to point wire and non magnetic chassis, outboard tube power supply (supplied with Ken Rad tube).

I make no money on this, just contact him directly. The last I spoke to Tom, he required about $3000.00 to duplicate my unit. As for internal construction, I could supply photography but no schematic.

I hired Tom and participated in selecting the chassis, cage, face and size, overall appearance and color and such and Tom designed the circuit by reverse engineering (my) original factory stock unit and basing changes to that design on what I wanted. I ask for unity gain HF, bass EQ adjust and Bass gain adjust with no transistors and requested outboard power supply.

To email me with questions and Tom's phone number , click on my name and go through the Audiogon server.