Tubes... what do they do?...

I really mean it...

What is it that tubes do, say for instance in a Preamp or Amp..

What exactly does the tube do, what is/are it(s) function(s).. and how does it acomplish it..

Here's another good link to review.

This covers both arguments, so to speak.
Don't wanna be a pest about things but here's another.
CD Wallace – apologies for my tone in prior post, it was uncalled for.

The article you posted pertaining to the CAD300SEI is spot on. I always cringe when folks want to show me test results to prove how good their sound is … my ears have rarely been able to match their test results.

The hobby wouldn’t be much fun if there wasn’t things to learn.

Slightly off topic. I spoke to a gent name Peter Ledermann of Soundsmith ( . He has just developed a brand new type of electro mechanical cart that does not make use of coils or magnets. If what he says is true, it will be a paradigm shift for analogue folks … Yep, there a lot to learn and a lot of new things audio.

"my ears have rarely been able to match their test results."

It is important to learn this skill, because the measurements are the sound, with the exception of small nuances. Knowing what measurement effects which part of the sound can really help cut through lots of options and help you "upgrade" you system with much more control and direction.

What is dangerous about measurements is it sets a standard that people can make objective judgements about the performance of equipment, and this is very bad for high end audio. Once you can take your own measurements it becomes very easy to correlate the general performance of a product and what is sounds like. The imperfection of measurements is only human, what we interpret and how we take them.

Information is information, its how you sort it out that makes it useful or not. Whether you hear the information (can't print it out) or see the information

PS: tabulated measuremnts like ".0004% distortion", absolutely useless agreed there. The battery of graphs on Stereophile reviews super useful, even when JA changes the measurement tolerance to make a product look good.