acoustic system resonators

does anyone have any expierence with acoustic resonators?are they worth looking into?
Scientifically tested? If you mean that wall-paper from the French lab, it is much less than convincing.


Kal many of the top reviewers are buying the resonators in droves, Clemment Perry is a believer so is Sarjan and his reviewers and the list is growing.

The French paper clearly shows the resonators are affecting the space they are in and are absoribing and redirecting other frequencies. The French test was a quantative test and not a qualatative test, for that you go to the reviewers.

All I know is I heard em, and I didn't want to, I purchased them when I clearly didn't want to, and I believe because they work.

I had a well known recording engineer who works for Sony over to my shop and I did the demo and he clearly heard how well these things work.

I have also tried Margio dots and many other things over the years and very few of those things work, the resonators are magical.
As I said, I read the French paper and did not find it convincing. More like a proposition to do more work for the client by a company whose expertise seems not particularly focussed on audio.

Reviewers also buy Audiophile pebbles, and Clever Clocks so take it with a grain of salt, in this hobby believing is hearing, in the real world its the other way around.