acoustic system resonators

does anyone have any expierence with acoustic resonators?are they worth looking into?
As I said, I read the French paper and did not find it convincing. More like a proposition to do more work for the client by a company whose expertise seems not particularly focussed on audio.

Reviewers also buy Audiophile pebbles, and Clever Clocks so take it with a grain of salt, in this hobby believing is hearing, in the real world its the other way around.
A certain amount of skepticism is a healthy thing, but too much can make us blind to new things. Ah, where is the balance grasshopper?
These things may work, I will not judge them until I experience them myself. A priori judgements only reflect prejudice and preconceived notions.
Those of you who are closed to the idea, have experienced the resonators?
Yes. At an audio show.

Besides, having a completely uncritical mind makes you a customer for buy the Brooklyn Bridge. Not all ideas deserve equal respect.
