acoustic system resonators

does anyone have any expierence with acoustic resonators?are they worth looking into?
As a scientist (and one involved in the study of the brain), I am very aware of the perceptual mechanisms to which we are all subject. Thus, my belief system is very restrained. People who believe these things work are right: They perceive it as real. OTOH, that does not necessarily mean it is.

Kal (who will reserve judgement until there's proof or demonstration, both of which he is unlikely to see)
Kal, as a scientist also, I am ever mindful that every discipline sets its own paradigm as to what is true, and tends to disregard contrary evidence until it is overwhelming.

I am also mindful that believing something can make no difference also predisposes one to not seeing or hearing something showing a difference. Perceptions of reality work both ways.
I am unaware of any evidence to ignore. I see lots of anecdotal reports, none of them any more convincing to me than my own. Aside from that, have you any evidence? (And, yes, I have read the puffery in that so-called lab report.)

Your statements about the symmetry of predisposition are well taken but those are partly defined by our personal philosophies. Mine, as I said, is conservative in these matters but I am fully prepared to change, given cause.

Kal, we are dealing with what we hear, not with what a sample hears. This is not science but rather preference. If you don't like what you hear with the resonators assuming you can overcome your predilections, that is fine and were I to hear of it, I would have to weigh it against what others have said.

I sought an experiment at the RMAF in which the resonators were removed so that I might hear with and without, but owner of the suite was unwilling to do this as he was primarily selling electronics and speakers.
03-17-07: Audiooracle +++ There are many things in this industry which defy rational of empirical reasoning, like a 1 m interconnect making a difference or power cords, or vibration isolation devices +++

The items you mention do work and have very sound scientific backing why they do. The resonators, like pebbles and clever clocks, have zero scientific backing. I think you are reaching somewhat comparing the resonators with cables and isolation devices.

For every tweak that works, there are ten that do not. I cannot say whether these resonators work, but at $400 odd I will never find out. $400 can buy a good capacitor that really does work …
