Surge Suppressor or Not?

I have an entry-level system (Cambridge 640 cd player, Parasound amp and pre-amp) which I can't really afford to replace if dead so am thinking about surge protection. Monster Power HTS2000 is about $200; Brick Wall PW8R15AUD is about $250. Are these good choices that wouldn't degrade sound unduly? Is there a better option?

I've been told that because amps have large transformers they don't need surge protection. Is that true?
I use a brick wall, I took it out last night to see if I could tell the difference without it. If there was a difference it was small. I do not run my power amp through it because it draws a large amount of current, I have never heard that having a large transformer was a protection against dangerous current surges. It may smooth out small variations in current.
That's a great start for entry level.
You need better than a $12 Home Depot strip.
Something in the lines of PS Audio Ultimate Outlet will work great. Personally, I don't care for Monster. Anything at this point to protect and condition should be a necessity.
Tiger Direct had (has?) a great deal on an APC H-10 power conditioner/surge protector. It seemed to make CD playback cleaner (like a slight veil was removed). Everything except the amp is plugged into that. I didn't like things (lost sound stage? depth?) as much with my amp plugged in so I just have that plugged into the wall. One of these days I'll spring for some PorterPorts for it.
Thank you, all, for your valuable suggestions. I found a post on another web site about lightning strikes and so searched web sites dealing with my area and found that we (foothills of Alberta, Canada) have the greatest number of lightning strikes a year in all of Canada so a surge protector will be a necessity.
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