what is the theory behind maple stands and racks?

I have not "heard" a maple amp stand or rack - using Billy Bags products now, which are made from steel and mdf - but don't grasp why maple would be a good material to use - quite the opposite. Maple is used for some electric guitars because it "rings" - it is very dense and causes notes to sustain, which is to say, it continues to vibrate for a long time. This would seem to be exactly the opposite of what one wants in a stand or a rack. If there is some claim that vibration is "drained away", well, if the rack is continuing to ring, that would likely cause acoustical feedback - the equipment isn't isolated from the thing it is sitting on. Can anyone who is not a vendor of these things explain the why of it, or relate positive experiences that seem to have a basis in fact?
got to get me some of them pure plutonium footers and some extra virgin maple :)
Maple is a very dense wood and does not absorb vibration,it is also very heavy. thus not passing the vibration on to your components.
Steven, I am curious as I have a maple platform for my power amp and was under the impression that the Maple did absorb the vibration created by the amplifier and any external forces. If the vibration is not being absorbed by the Maple or the component, then what is actually happening to the vibration?
The way I understand it the maple will not pass the vibration on, as it is so dense and has so much mass that it is very hard to get it to vibrate at all. I have Know idea what happens to the vibration given off by the component it self. Now you have me reading more to find out what happens on that side of things. I will do my best to find an answer.
My guess is that the wood "absorbs" the vibration, just as your house absorbs and dampens noise (to a greater or lesser degree). The thicker and heavier the wood, there greater its ability to absorb and dissipate vibration from either direction. I am sure certain woods are better at this than others.