Power Cord for Power Conditioner

I'm trying to figure out if it is absolutely necessary to use a company's power cord with their power conditioners. No brand in particular.Any help would be appreciated.
thanks in advance,
Lamp cord was considered 18 guage.

Why wouldn't that work on the Levinson's if power cords are all equal?

Because some gear demands better.

And sounds that much better with it.
Lamp cord can be and often is larger than 18 gauge. Your expensive power cord probably has lamp cord inside or equivalent with a fancy wrapper.
As far as preaching what others can hear or not goes it's not my job to prove you can't hear the difference it's your job to prove you can. I have tried it as well as many others with even higher end systems than me and none of us are convinced. When a friend of mine had another friend who is a power cord builder install his PC in his system my friend told the PC manufacturer he could hear an improvement with the new cord. He later told me he really couldn't but didn't want to "tell the emperor he had no clothes"
"As far as preaching what others can hear or not goes it's not my job to prove you can't hear the difference it's your job to prove you can."
Rwwear: You are repeating yourself and I already addressed this EARLIER IN THIS THREAD. I can hear the differences repeatedly as well as many others who took the time to try it (some were very skeptical at first).
This is repeatable... Marakanetz: We could wage 10:1 and you would lose. National TV? No one should be "astounded" about this...thousands of people CAN and DO do this every time they sit down to listen to their systems. The fact that so many can tell is not the mystery here...the fact that so many feel so compelled to insist on DISproving it is the real absurdity.
Listen to what you want to...be happy with stock cords if you can't tell the difference.
But please stop telling everyone else what we must believe..
You could start a new religion Lissnr. But I suppose someone has already beaten you to it.
"So if I used lamp cord to power a pair of Levinson mono blocks I'll be ok?"

That is a really neat question when you think about it from the manufacturer/designers perspective.

"I'm going to market a state of the art device for a given market (audio,medical,research, etc.,etc.). I know that the incoming power characteristics will be somewhat different at every customers site. Some sites will have issues with nominal voltage, some with higher than normal high frequency hash, some will have better or worse power factors, some will experience voltage swings, some with high levels of emi, most if not all will have a combination of issues to a greater or lesser degree.
Since I can't control customers site conditions, and since my business relies on quality and in some instances upon performance verification, should I install a robust filter network to make sure that my system is highly immune to varying site conditions?"