+1 Radio Shack

Just when you think Radio Shack has nothing to offer an audiophile, I come across an electronics wizard who not only helped me diagnose my power supply problem, but fixed it also. Thanks Radio Shack, and thanks Welborn Labs, for puttin up with my, ahem, crap. All is good in my Audio World.

Gotta add, I started a thread awhile back asking what my weak link was and that I was looking for a certain sound. Well, I have achieved that sound, thank you very much, with the addition of 4 gik 244 panels, a light speed attenuator, and a power supply from wel born labs for the wadia 170i. Now we're talkin; I'm finally gettin somewhere :-)
Just for our own curiosity, tell us exactly what it was that the "Wizzard" did. Lucky you, no Electronics Wizzard at my R. Shack. Just the Phone Wizzard.
You're lucky to get anything but ripped-off from Welborne Labs. About a year ago, I ordered over $100 worth of wire, and have never received it. At first, they answered with some lame excuses, and then, just ignored my messages.

A Pox an Welborne Labs!