Possible to convert Apple Lossless to WAV.?

Hi There:
I've started down the path of converting my CDs to iTunes in Apple lossless on my PC to start down the path of listening to all my music via hard drive. I've read that as my libraray gets big, iTunes can become too cumbersome, may crash and I'll run into problems with importaing album art.

is it possible to convert my files that I've done so far (about 100 CDs) to WAV.? From there I can then pursue a non iTunes approach.

Outlier, if you're planning on going the Squeezebox route, that's another argument for staying with iTunes. It's not the only way to use the Squeezebox (I personally use the Perl-based server software on my Linux box), but its server software can integrate with iTunes. There are benefits to using one of the most popular pieces of software in the industry.

why would somebody go the squeezebox route? there are other alternatives that work just like the squeezebox for much less $$$$. the 2 people i know that used squeezebox's sold them and 1 purchased the transporter and the other i set up a whole house audio system using airport express devices. i'm not saying the the airport express sounds any better, because IMO, they both sound bad going directly into a preamp or receiver. i always use jitter devices after the airport express units and then into a good quality external dac (of course depends on how much you want to spend and how you will be listening to the music (just background, or for dedicated listening)).
Mozartrules how do you mean..."AIFF is uncompressed but allows you to have all the tags and album art in the files themselves."? I thought aiff is just Apple's version of uncompressed cd audio/wav file. Everything I've read states that aiff files do not hold any extra tag info, etc.
Thanks guys for the continuing input. I'm inclined to keep going on transferring my CDs to PC with iTunes and Apple Lossless. Seems like the easiest path and hopfully retains highest quality source.

I'll then need to figure out optimum dac, connection (USB, Firewire, or wireless to Squeezebox followed by toslink to high-end dac, or wireless to Transporter and use as is, or output to seperate high end dac) and if/how I need to solve clock/jitter issues seperately. It seems like the Benchmark is a good option for to solve most issues, although I really really like the Duet remote (I may experiment with getting an iPhone which can be used as an iTunes remote too). Anyways, sooo many options - it would be easier if there were a consensus single best quality option, although it can be fun to waste hours reading and arguing about it too :-)