why did my iphone quit working on Wadia idock?

My iphone 4 worked fine on the Wadia dock and now it is saying that this device is not supported. I swear Apple does this crap on purpose to make you buy new chargers and such. Apple stuff is great when it's new but slowly they seem to turn it into a piece of crap that is so slow you can't stand but to upgrade.
Unplug the Wadia, turn off the iPhone. Start everything up again (make sure you have all the updates current)....Still not supported?
No I have not updated my iphone for just that same reason it seems like when everything is working good and then you upgrade surely something won't work anymore. I'm not even running IOS 5 on my iphone. It works OK and last time I updated my iPhone I lost all my notes which was a big pain. I hate that you have to worry so much about losing valuable data when you update. With each update it seems they make the older model just a little slower so that you will be forced to upgrade. I would think that the Wadia and my iphone should continue to work though since specifically I have not updated either. I guess I'll try and update and see what happens. My guess is it won't work ever again.
Ejlif - sounds to me like the first thing you need to do is take a deep breath and relax for a few minutes.

You're not even running IOS 5? That right there could be your problem. Why not?
I think you're a bit confused, Apple products work well for several years without issue. PC is guilty of guilty of your accusation, IME. I suspect user error, no offense.

Before you reluctantly update.....at least unplug the Wadia, wait 30 secs, plug it back in and try docking your iPhone again. Start all over again from the unboxing.

As a matter of FACT: I bought a Cambridge iD100 dock over a year ago. I put an iPod Touch on it and it worked fine for a week or two then one day I get the same message as you did. I unplugged/replugged the Cambridge and it worked fine. It has now worked perfectly for over a year of non-stop use. I did not update or upgrade anything, just unplugged it.

Do you turn your phone off from time to time or do you just leave it in standby ? You should "reboot" it every once and awhile.

I agree that if it worked before it should work now. Things that go "bump in the night" are little spikes on the electrical line that you don't even know about but can create problems with the tiny microprocessors inside the Wadia... Could be you bent one of the 32 pins a little on the dock/phone connector a little when you re-docked it...have you put a new outer case on your phone?