Jplay vs Amarra, PC vs. Mac

So...I find myself with a dying a laptop that bluescreens when playing Jplay in hibernate mode. Now that I've heard this degree of clarity from digital audio, I can't really go back. I'm interested in hearing if anyone has been able to compare Jplay to Amarra or the other Mac audiophile proggies.

My big issue with Mac is that I have PC desktop, on which most of my music is stored. I am not a huge fan of iTunes either, particularly as it doesn't support FLAC and most of my music is in FLAC. I could get a server, but this seems like overkill, or alternately an external USB drive.
I think your problem may be OS related. Jplay does not recommend Vista (I'm actually surprised it even worked !) - only Win 7 or Win 8.
"BSOD are generally driver linked, Win7 is remarkably stable."

Win7 is remarkably stable, as long as you don't boot the system up by accident.