Why China Isnt Happening Yet

I have found it interesting to read about Chinese tube amps for a fraction of the price of US, how China is taking over the world etc.

A colleague of mine in the trading and investment business is actually thinking that the prosperity of the US is over forever, Medicaid/Medicare and our pension system are bankrupt, interest rates are going up, the housing market is going to collapse and one day Americans will figure out that there is more than one currency in the world.

At that point, the US will experience flight capital for the first time, and then we are really in big trouble.

Now some of this worries me, but I thought is was interesting that of the 6 or so, bargain priced, obviously knocked off in China, toys that were given to my baby boy for Christmas....

NONE of them worked properly?!?!

The robot? He wouldnt wind up, didnt walk, and sparks failed to fly from his mask.

The magic sliding coin tray? Also didnt work, and was so cheesily made that the mechanism was obvious.

Radio controlled car? Had a range of about 10 feet -- no fun at all.

Now none of this excuses the problems we may have here in America, but FYI I am less likely to buy a tube amp from China in the New Year.


>>"Does the Chinese worker, who is working in less than ideal conditions, have fewer rights than the unemployed American unskilled worker living without medical insurance or basic necessities in the ghettos of America"<<

Yes! The Chinese workers are being exploited by foreign companies/corporations. Basically slavery imo. They could never get by with treating human beings in such a manner at home in their country of origin.

>>" (or Canada, or Brazil, or Kenya, or Ethiopia for that matter)?"<<
I can not speak for Canada You live there, do companies there follow the same practices as they do in the countries you mentioned?

>>"If you or Charles Hansen feel that way, you are either a racist or a nationalist, pure and simple my friend."<<
You must live in the French speaking part of Canada and got confused in translation.
Please give examples of racism in any of my above comments.
You are confusing the word racist with words like exploited, oppressed, slavery....

>>"In the west we need to look to our governments for MUCH more leadership in areas , pure and simple my friend."<<
You know it is amazing one minute people bitch about too much government and the next not enough. You can't have it both ways, my friend.

It is amazing to me how an American company, that was in business in this country for years, knows right from wrong, knows how an employee should be treated with a least a minimal amount of respect. Treated like a human being, not a disposable tool that they can use up and discard at will....Knows about workers safety. Knows about polluting the earth, ect, ect ect.

When American companies go to poor nations to build their factories is it written somewhere they have to automatically become Aholes and treat the poor like they are subhuman.

>>"As a consumer, I feel no guilt in buying quality products produced in countries other than my own;"<<
Me neither! CDp made in England. Speakers made in England. Preamp made in Canada. Power Amp USA. Phono cartridge made in Germany. DVD/SACD/CD player made in Japan.

Generalization is a dangerous thing. Are there no exploited workers in America? Are all the workers in America treated fairly? There's no pollution in America? You're deluding yourself! The Chinese workers who built my amp (Jungson) are not exploited by multi-nationals; Jungson is a Chinese company. Hell, I don't even know for a fact that they are exploited; the piece is a technological marvel built like a brick sh^&*thouse that cost me less than 50% of the retail price of the 15 year old Audiolab 8000A that I replaced it with and sounds a ton better!

I'm in Ontario and have no problems with the English language. Too much government? Not enough government? What I expect from my government (and yours) is some common sense and intelligence. Frankly, I don't see it on either side of the border. And blaming the Chinese for our problems isn't going to stop that.
>>"Generalization is a dangerous thing. Are there no exploited workers in America? Are all the workers in America treated fairly? There's no pollution in America?"<<

Bud if you can't see the difference you have a problem.
I have wasted all the time I am going to, on you... Respond to your heart's content.
Yes! The Chinese workers are being exploited by foreign companies/corporations. Basically slavery imo. They could never get by with treating human beings in such a manner at home in their country of origin.

Yes and many of these foreign companies and corporations are American. So are you suggesting the Chinese government arrest these American owners and managers and punish them for their crimes? Of course the American public will be furious and claim that the Chinese government is entirely unreasonable blah blah blah.

The Shanling factory looks pretty good to me:


When a company treats its employees well and they're all happy, we often hear about it because they're "rare". Go to various audio manufacturers site. Some really seem to have a "team" spirit, while others are really a one man show.
the world is being flooded with pirated merchandise from china, including but not limited to...stereo components & accessories, dvd's, cd's, blank tapes, clothing, shoes, automotive parts.....whats more, dozens of high end audio companies are hiding the fact that they are made in china. they want you to believe they are more than simply 'an office with desks and chairs'. no matter how good or bad the products are coming out of china, supporting non disclosure of parts origin and assembly from companies that exist 'in name only' is wrong. the hi end magazines would have you think there is no middle ground(check out december's stereophile-sam's space). in the same issue there are lots of ads for domestic products that are reasonable and quite good. check the websites of these 'made in china' phonies....not a word about where they are made.