Isolating the listening chair?

Lately I have tried using audio isolation devices on the feet of my listening chair, first trying Tip Toes, then carbon fibre cones, suspension couplers and composite materials. I would have to say that the differences in sound quality exceed those in using the same devices on my tube amp, preamp, CD, or record player. I am now experimenting with different materials to put in the chair cushions, sand, closed cell foam, natural lambs wool, etc. The initial results are quite promising. Has anyone else had experience with this in the context of a high-end system?

I sent my chair out for cryo treatment.

Blows away chairs costing thousands more.

I have not experimented with the chair, yet.
However, I have installed what I call the "Cone of Sound" which can be lowered over my speakers and chair to provide total isolation from all room acoustics. Kind of like having the world's largest headphones. I can't even hear the significant other pounding on the outside! Ahhhhh!
Newbee, you busted me right out of the gate. I didn't think that I could affect the ernest, wide-eyed, prose that infuses the endless Audiogon threads singing the praises of magic pebbles, magic clocks, magic ICs, magic tobacco and Patricia Barber's recorded legacy. My summer laugh clearly did not get too far. Like getting dental work done in Indonesia and getting so drunk that I take home a woman sporting more facial hair than my dog, I must add bluffing in a poker game with my Audiogon buddies to the list of things that I must forever avoid.

For the record, I have only a couch in the listening room, no chair at all. I have not owned tube gear for the last six years (I need to get that one taken care of), and yes, I was taken by a bit of ennui yesterday.
Marty Kohn
Portland, OR
you should try platform know the kind that porn stars wear...the soundstage comes into focus more...but , the wife acceptance factor is a bit questionable !!
I did the Cryo thing too, but then followed with the 800 degree heat treatment. Didn't work too well with the Maple frame! Whod'a thunk?!?