Isolating the listening chair?

Lately I have tried using audio isolation devices on the feet of my listening chair, first trying Tip Toes, then carbon fibre cones, suspension couplers and composite materials. I would have to say that the differences in sound quality exceed those in using the same devices on my tube amp, preamp, CD, or record player. I am now experimenting with different materials to put in the chair cushions, sand, closed cell foam, natural lambs wool, etc. The initial results are quite promising. Has anyone else had experience with this in the context of a high-end system?
For ROYY re 6/20/06: I am very curious about the thread you referenced for breaking in speaker stands since I'm currently exploring the very same thing: A month ago I purchased the Yoyodyne flux capacitor that was made specifically for metal monitor stands. It induces a purified steady-state time-aligned fully-differentiated current to the entire metal portion of my speaker stands; the object being to properly align the metal molecules at the partical level so that sound waves don't scatter but, in essence, flow through the metal legs like a waterfall. I'll be honest with you guys: I don't think it was worth the $2,200 I paid for it because aside from a bit more "bloom" on some of the acoustic tracks of my direct-to-disk Quiet Riott LP's I haven't discerened that much difference. Oh wait ... maybe I haven't property broken in the stands? The manual said 10,000 hours....
jamscience, I must inform you that the use of the "CONE OF SOUND" is a top secret device to be used only by the chief and maxwell smart .... any further use of said device shall warrant a tongue lashing from agent 99...
For Veloceracing: If you'll send those stands to me I'll GLADLY break'em in (pre-paid shipping both-ways & a small deposit repuired) for you.
It's a secret process that I won't explain.....cause then it wouldn't be a S-E-C-R-E-T! But I can assure you that there is NO truth to the vile lies posted by a competitor with a compooter!!! My (patent pending) cryo & vibration process/treatment does NOT employ a 23 year old GOLD colored Frigidaire OR a paint shaker liberated from the Poplar Ave Home Depot.
I'll be looking to receive them!

p.s. And my process WILL completely change the appearance, as well as the performance, of the stands. It's that radical! A TEST DISK is included though so you can confirm the difference!
Myraj: As you can probably surmise, I'm no fool. I can spot a scam a mile away. But if you're saying that your process employs secret tecniques then that's good enough for me! No doubt, you probably gleaned your skills and expertise working in the intelligence field or computer industry with only the most exotic of materials. Sure, nothing you wrote speaks to that but, as I said before, I'm no fool - I can read between the lines.

I'm also intrigued because by mentioning the materials and processes that you DON'T use, then it only stands to reason (regardless if some sceptics may call it an unsubstantiated assumption) that you must use the most sophisticated of processes and equipment in synergy with old-fashioned know-how. Now I understand that said-same cynics might say that nothing in what you wrote should lead me to think this but hey, they're the same guys who couldn't appreciate the magical effects of tuning dots.

So how can I go wrong, what with you throwing in a test CD and all, right? I mean, from the (ahem) sound of things if I can't hear a difference then it's my own damn fault.

My credit card number is .....
Veloceracing: and for that quick response I'll also gladly include TWO....not one but TWO!!! sets of cryo'd Myraj brand Q-TIPS!
Thanks for the early payment and the Q-TIPS the mail!