Can I ever stand to listen to our system again

My beloved wife died tonight at age 57. Every piece in the system was acquired after we listened to it, together. The audition of the Tidals last year was the culmination of that audio togetherness. I don't know whether I will ever be able to listen to it again.
Play a smooth soul ballad for her tonight.
Dearest friends,
Thank you so much for your kind words, I sense Rosemary's gratefulness to you over the support you're giving me in these days of darkness.
Thank you.
Dear Karel; While most all we can offer has nothing to do with the real world;---You must look at yourself as having been blessed.With the divorce rate being what it is---most have never had what you had. Guys like me only wish we had;---So,again,you have to look at yourself as being blessed--- having been with this lovely woman for all that time. I guess it's time to look inside yourself; life goes on and find inner strength-- Oh, and maybe sometime watch one of my favorite movies: "Sleepless in Seatle". I'm sure you have it within you---you just need to find it. Oh, and music applied as needed;as the mood dictates.-God bless.
Karel, You have my sincere condolences for your loss. Please remember that she will always live on in your heart, in your memories and whenever you do play music on the system you shared together. Godspeed,

I'm sorry to hear of your loss.

I wish you the best in going forth to find peace and comfort in this world.
Music is a great companion in times like you are healing through, dont give up the gift!