RIP Dad Elgordo

Well it has been a year today since my dad Donald Laby passed away and it hasn’t gotten any easier for me or my family.

My father was the greatest man I have ever known. He always knew how to say the right things when I had problems. He taught me to be an honest, loving, good person, and to always do what I think is right, no matter what the cost.

He was into High Fidelity Stereo and taught me the balance of sound. He was always turning me on to good music and helped me in my quest to become a better musician. I have had many great experiences with music from violin to cello to voice to guitar, tenor banjo, keys and mandolin. I could not have done any of it without his support.

My dad was also a wonderful grandfather to my niece and nephew always opening their eyes to different possibilities, showing them photography and playing them songs on the stereo. He helped with their homework and kissed boo boos. I’ll never forget how he would look at them just imaging their own possibilities.

He showed me the ropes of life to the fullest extent and I know he is learning the ropes of the after life so when I’m done here, he can be by my side once again to help with the next process.

I can’t say how important it is to tell the people closest to you how much you love them.
Just do it. Tell everyone you care about just how much they mean to you and how your life is better because they are a part of it!
I'm sorry for your great loss, Mandocarrie. What a great tribute you've made to him here, and a touching reminder of what is important in life. I lost my father last May. I had the great fortune to be by his side for the last three weeks of his life, and to hold his hand and speak to him in the moment of his passing. I've often reflected upon just how much I am like him, and the tremendous gift he has bestowed upon me in that respect. Part of the legacy he's passed on to me is the love for art and for music. I would not be writing here today, were it not for his and my mother's infleuence.

I will not diffuse further the lovely sentiments you've shared about your father, with any more of those of mine for my own. Instead I'd like to thank you for yet another chance to reflect upon them in a renewed light. Your father sounds like a remarkable man, and I'm sure would be proud of your tribute to him, and that he's raised such a generous person who would share these sentiments and feelings so openly. The loss of my father is certainly is the most difficult thing I've faced in my lifetime, and time has not made it much easier, as one might think. It is the kind of loss that stays with you always. In reflecting on him like this, I take some comfort in knowing that he is with me always. I still stay up nights thinking about him.

I will also echo your heartfelt advice; do not let these days go by, this fragile and short lifetime we have here, without reaching out daily to those you love. There is no greater gift in this life than love, and the people around us we share it with.

My heart goes out to you. I know the loss is devastating. I lost my first born and only son less than six months ago. He waw 24 days short of his 23rd birthday.
You and your family will be in my thoughts.


Elgordo was one of the more fun Audiogoners. Know that he was both liked and respected greatly. It's heartening to know he lived his life to the fullest.

We all mourn your loss, Mandocarrie. You must be incredibly proud to be his son.

I'm very sorry to hear about the loss of your father. I buried my dad earlier this year, and understand your sorrow. It been almost a year for me, and yesterday a stray thought of him brought tears to my eyes.

I'm sorry too, that it took this long for any of us to be able to offer our condolences. Sometimes people just disappear from AudiogoN, and in most cases the community never finds out why they are gone. Seeing your dads user name brought a smile.

While I am sorry at the loss, I'm also thankful that you shared this with us.

What has been expressed here exceeds anything I can add. I will only say I had great respect for Elgordo and thank you for allowing us to share your memories.
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