"I'll pay you later today"

I've been buying and selling on Audiogon for a while, and as a seller I've had my share of tirekickers and "What's your best price?" fishermen. Lots of people ask questions, then are never heard from again. That doesn't bother me. The one thing I haven't experienced on Audiogon until recently has been someone who commits to a deal and then doesn't pay.

The last several times I've attempted to sell something, I've received quite a few "I want to buy your stuff! What's your PayPal address?" emails from zero-feedback members. I've got nothing against zero-feedback members - I was one once myself - but way too many of them send these emails, and are never heard from again.

Even worse are the ones who say, "I will pay you later today/tomorrow," basically asking you to hold the item, and then never come through. I've missed a couple of opportunities to sell because of these people, because I feel that if I've promised something to someone, they should get it.

So, is this some sort of sick joke than I'm too clueless to understand, or is it some sort of scam to build a database of PayPal email addresses for hack attempts, or what?

I suppose I need to start setting time limits, i.e, "My PayPal address is xxxxx, you have four hours to make your payment." I hate to be that way though.

Suggestions? Sympathy? Scorn? :-)
I've had these unfortunate experiences lately, too. I don't know what to make of it. I've been buying and selling on audiogon for five years and this is a relatively recent problem. I still try to treat everyone as I would a friend, but it's hard not to be skeptical at times. I try and maintain a good attitude, but I completely empathize with you.
Been there, as well. Even my present classified. Two, said they wanted it and would send me the funds. Asked for my address. I don't get nuts over this anymore. The two who said that, didn't have an Audiogon resume to begin with. That always tells me something. Bottom line? Squeaky wheel gets the oil. $$ in my hand/paypal account etc. is the deal. You may not know who the serious buyers are by the questions they ask, but you will certainly know who aren't. Well at least I know, having been around the block a few times. Also, watch for scams: third party stuff, and the like. Don't sound kosher? It probably isn't. Hit your delete button.
I would say it's just the nature of the business;not that us private sellers are in the business. I'm sure the folk whom are in the business get more than their share of this.I'm sure I have done this to someone at one time or another.---Heck, a month ago I changed my mind about selling something.----50 lashes for me?????
The "happening just recently" portion I think is due to the fact that the number of members on this site is growing substantially. I'll bet ebay was great before they had millions and millions of people cruising the site every day.

There hardly ever used to be scams on this site. Now, they are almost second nature. That's what happens when you put more and more people in one place. I expect that eventually, audiogon will have the same feel as Ebay.
Overall, my experience with the A'gon community has been very positive. However my last sale had two different folks who backed out after committing to buy. It was a really frustrating experience and I'm sure I lost a few buyers who would have come through with the cash. However, I refuse to believe that I am witnessing a trend. I'm gonna stay positive and figure that I just hit a slippery spot in the road. I think the most important thing I ask people to do as buyers is send me an email as soon as the funds are on the way. I don't change the listing to "Pending" until that happens and don't mark it "Sold" until I have cash in hand.