Siemens Halske versus Siemens Rohre

I am new to tubes and have heard that Siemens Halske tubes are much better than Siemens Rohre. I am wondering if this is true for 6DJ8 tubes. Often times on Ebay I see tubes advertised as Siemens Halske but the box in the picture will say Rohre on it. Should I completely eliminate any Rohre tubes from consideration? Thanks in advance for your input
Thanks for the input. I have read the cca threads, I have a PHD but this stuff taxes the brain! Added to that is when I call some reputable dealers they say they have not seen a genuine early cca tube in years and that most everything out there is a fake. It make it a bit hard to be confident. At $50 who cares, at $500 I do!
I agree, Joe. You need to be careful and selective. You need to have assurance that you are getting a geniune Siemens CCa tube when they are commanding such high prices.