Acapella Triolon Excalibur speakers at RMAF 2007

Does anyone else care to comment on the sound of the Acapella Triolon Excalibur $170,500.00 per pair speakers? This is Brian Ackerman's, of Aaudio Imports full $600K, personal reference system. I have heard the Acapella Triolon Excalibur's driven by Audionet AMP's in Shanghai and felt that they were underachievers and a complete disappointment for their asking price. It sounds like Gawdbless was equally disappointed with them, especially considering their asking price but I would like to hear from others who have had a chance to hear them at the Rocky Mountain AudioFest show to get their impression and to see if they would drop $600K for the Aaudio Imports/Brian Ackerman "reference" system yet alone $170.5K for the Acapella Triolon Excalibur speakers. I await the opinion of those of you at the show who have heard this "Mega" DOLLAR system to see if it does indeed deliver the $600K goods or if it's more about "Pride of Ownership" than substance. Let us know your thoughts show goers. At least one show reporter has substantiated my original listening impressions. What did the rest of you guys hear from the Acapella Triolon Excalibur speakers and the sound of the complete Brian Ackerman/Aaudio Imports reference system at RMAF 2007????
Fcrowder: Having listened to different OTL amps (Joule Electra, AtmaSphere and Einstein) I would generalize that although they do so many things right, bass is simply not their forte. The Triolons need something capable of controlling their woofers, and it certainly must be a tube design as I can't think of a solid state amp that would not take away something form the midrange (although the $80K FM Acoustics amp was pretty nice...).
If I were to select a single best amp for the Triolons, my choice would be the 200 wpc 300TL transmitter tube based Amber Wave monoblocks. They were demoed in one of the rooms upstairs and I could not find a single thing that I didn't love about their sound. Bass control and dynamics better than any monster ss amp, the midrange, treble and soundstaging like the best single ended triode and at the same time an amazing transparency. All of that with a pair of $6K worth of medium sized monitors! I think that these are THE AMPS for the Triolons. All things considered, at $44K they also seem to be a "bargain" compared to two pairs of Einsteins required for the Triolons.
The Amber Wave were incredible to look at and listen to! It was like a science project that got out of control. I could only imagine my wife's reaction to these amps if I attempted to bring them into the house. They are about 3-4 feet wide! If you haven't seen them, there are pictures posted of them at the various websites that covered the fest. The only problem is that the pictures really don't convey the size of these creations. I would love to hear them on the Triolons. Maybe Fcrowder can arrange an auditon!
I would like to thank everyone who attended this years RMAF and visited our room in the Larkspur Suite. This was the first year that we displayed in this room, and as most of you know we only had 1/2 day to set up this monster system and make all the necessary adjustments.

Once the show started on Friday there were to many people coming in to fuss around, and directly after the show on Friday and Saturday night I took several people back to my home/showroom in Parker (20 miles away), for some additional listening to the new Eben speakers.

I would like to set the record straight on the complete system cost, which included a full Isoclean power system, Acapella cables, platforms and tuning weights. The total system cost was $373,000 (not $600,000). We also has an additional $20,000 worth of Golden Acoustic room treatment panels.

As some visitors have stated the system improved greatly during the show, and by the last day was singing beautifully. It's also true that these Triolons are near brand new and the woofers need several months to reach there full potential. Although the sound we had towards the end of the show was quite wonderful, I know from experience with the High Violons, that these Triolons will continue to improve for a full year.

My Triolons are back in my showroom now, and I welcome everyone to contact me for a private demo. We also have several other Acapella speakers on display, as well as several models of the new Eben speakers. Our room is professionally treated with Golden Acoustic equalizing panels.

Regards, Brian
Aaudio imports
It was nice meeting you in your room on behalf of Teajay. 400K, 600K, what's 200K among friends! Bob
I'm sorry the $600K figure came from Constantine Soo's article on your home set-up; Please reference the article enclosed below:

I guess that you only took $400K worth of gear to the show. Where did the rest, $200K worth of equipment go???? What did you leave behind at your home that added up to $200K????