
Responses from aaudio_imports

Any opinions on new type of amps from BMC, Hegel,
Dev: Thanks for correcting your posting. I would never post my opinion about the products I import compared to other brands. I am just posting general information that I would say in an email or phone call should an interested customer contact me.... 
Any opinions on new type of amps from BMC, Hegel,
Mribob, I will chime in again here to offer up some additional information.BMC (Balanced Music Concept) was formed by 2 German high end manufacturers with over 55 years of combined experience. You can find 8 product reviews on the BMC website, and... 
Any opinions on new type of amps from BMC, Hegel,
AudiofeilIn fact nobody really cares what you have to say. You simply like to cause trouble in every post you make. 
Any opinions on new type of amps from BMC, Hegel,
We are the North American importers for BMC, and this is just an information post on the BMC Products.Regarding the AMP S1 stereo and AMP M1 mono: These amplifiers can be run RCA, XLR or XLR CI (CI stands for current injection). A short descriptio... 
Tidal electronics...
Posted by: Brian Ackerman / Aaudio importson behalf of Jorn Janckaz / TidalMy name is Jörn Janczak from TIDAL, Germany. I want to clear some things ifit comes to the power needs of TIDAL speakers in general. Aside of privateexperiences and opinion... 
Tidal electronics...
Speaking from experience, and having had all models of the Tidal speakers in my showroom I can offer my advise for proper amplification for each model.The first thing to remember is that all Tidal speakers like power, but quality power! These spea... 
The Anatomy of the Acapella Violon - shocking find
Dear Amfibius,I have dealers driving the Acapella speakers with Einstein, FM Acoustics, Jadis, Audio Note and Lindemann. These are all among some of the finest electronics that can bring out the qualities of Acapella speakers. As with any high end... 
The Anatomy of the Acapella Violon - shocking find
Dear Amfibius,Before you start modifying your speakers I would suggest trying other amplifiers. Consider this, Acapella has been building speakers for over 30 years, and the Violon's have been around for at least 10 years. Many pair of Violon's ha... 
What's new on Einstein the tube mkII?
Being the importer for Einstein Audio in North America, I have tested the original Einstein preamp with the MKII Version for several months on a highly resolving system which includes the Acapella Triolon speakers. The difference is not subtle! Wh... 
Acapella Triolon Excalibur speakers at RMAF 2007
To Gawdbless,Please feel free to contact me. I would love to have you over for a listen.BrianAaudio imports4871 Raintree DriveParker CO. 80134 (tel) 720-851-2525(fax) 720-851-7575 (email) brian@aaudioimports.com(website) www.aaudioimports.com 
Acapella Triolon Excalibur speakers at RMAF 2007
To Gawdbless, if you are ever in the Denver area I would be happy to give you a private listening session with the Triolons. We also have dealers showing the Triolons in Texas & Florida. Kind Regards, Brian 
Acapella Triolon Excalibur speakers at RMAF 2007
Dear Bob, it was a pleasure meeting you as well. I hope to see you & Teajay at the CES show in January where I will be displaying in 4 rooms at the Venetian Hotel.Dear Carlos, Please check the Pre-Show Coverage on Constantine Soo's website... ... 
Acapella Triolon Excalibur speakers at RMAF 2007
I would like to thank everyone who attended this years RMAF and visited our room in the Larkspur Suite. This was the first year that we displayed in this room, and as most of you know we only had 1/2 day to set up this monster system and make all ... 
New Accustic Arts V3 Tube Dac anyone heard?
To all readers of this thread, please feel free to email me at... aaudioimports@comcast.net for more information on Accustic Arts Tube Dac. I can send you pictures, white papers and a block diagram per your request.Respectfully, Brian Ackerman / A... 
Review: Acapella Triolons Speaker
Well thank you Guido & Albert for your excitement in hearing the Triolon's. I will be showing these speakers in the Larkspur Suite on the main level. Also I would be happy to share some great photo's of the Triolon's in my new showroom. For an...