Guitar Hero or Rock Band: Admit You Play?

Which one do you play and what's your favorite song?

I play guitar in my family Rock Band. Favorite tune is Paranoid.
i just unlocked foreplay/longtime on rockband. incredible fun playing guitar on these.
Who here likes the "hallucinations" after playing a couple rounds of guitar hero? It's ok to admit it.
I've done vocals and bass guitar on Rock Band with my 13 year old, who usually does the drums.

Favorite songs so far: Highway Star and Gimme Shelter.
I bought guitar hero world tour over the Christmas holiday for myself... I have friends come over for a Wii night and we play all night. I like lead guitar and Hotel California on hard settings. The drums and bass guitar are also cool... Its funny to hear everyone sing on vocals. All connected to my HT system and played loud... Poor neighbors! I had no complaints yet... ;-)