
Responses from 4musica44107

How many still listen to CD's daily.
I mostly listen to vinyl, but I do listen to CDs/SACDs daily. I prefer listening to CDs/SACDs while working out, and when listening late at night in the (likely) event I fall asleep while listening! Better to wake up to a CD player that has automa... 
Solid State Amplification for Devore Nines?
I used my Nagra PSA with my former Silverbacks, and demoed the Nines with the PSA as well. A very musical pairing with the Silverbacks and Nines IMHO. You should be able to pick up a used PSA in excellent condition for $5K or less. 
a solid state amp that is recessed in the treble
Second the recommendations for the ML-2 and Bedini 25/25 with Quad-57's. Both amps are hard to come by, but well worth the effort! 
Accurate speakers for a verity of genres?
Verity makes very accurate speakers that are also excellent quality and highly musical. I own two Verity models in different systems. The Verity Finn used is typically available in your stated price range. 
Leben vs Shindo Preamps
I have owned the Leben RS-28CX in the past, and currently own three Shindo preamps in different systems - the Aurieges-L, the Monbrison, and the Masseto. As good as the aforementioned Leben is, and it is very, very good, I feel it is bested by the... 
Your favorite SET amp? Wavac EC-300B...
+1 on the Wavelength Cardinals. Love the way they sound with my Shindo Masseto, the combo making sublime music with my Auditorium 23 Solovox speakers. 
Harbeth SHL5 for Shindo Montille?
Dave_b - I believe I understand your comment better now WRT what for you would be a realistic music level. And I agree, a Shostakovich symphony and comparable large scale classical and other works are better heard at higher SPLs generated by full-... 
Harbeth SHL5 for Shindo Montille?
Dave_b: "...the guy's a scatter brain with his designs." Beg to differ strongly, and predict many others will do the same, whether they voice their opinions herein or not. Ken Shindo is one of the geniuses making important contributions to the ong... 
5 Channel Power Amp Recommendtions
If you are going with one amp, I highly recommend the Anthem Statement A5 or even better, their Statement P5. Great value, quality power to spare, and surprisingly musical for a HT amp. 
Multi Arm Table
I 2nd the Luxman PD-444 if you can find one. Great vintage DD turntable. 
Tube preamp recommendation ...
I 2nd Shindo. I have been enjoying the wonderful pairing of my Shindo Aurieges and Bedini 25/25 driving my Omega Alnico Super 8's for nearly a year. Just superbly musical! 
Preamp for my Accuphase A-45 power amplifier
I use a Shindo Monbrison with my Accuphase P-3000 amp and am very pleased with the result. As good as the P-3000 is, if I had the right opportunity to acquire a class A Accuphase amp, I would not hesitate to pair it with the Monbrison. 
Floorstanders for small room 10x10ft
I have used REL subs with Sonus Faber monitors, first the Cremona Auditor M and now the Guarneri Memento. Seamless integration in both cases IMHO. 
A Zu / Tekton / Omega Speaker Positioning Thread
I have a pair of Omega Super 8 Alnico XRS speakers and they provide a deep, wide, and reasonably tall soundstage. The soundstage width clearly extends beyond the lateral margins of the speaker enclosures. I positioned them exactly the way Louis of... 
Amp for Vandersteen Wood Quatros
Thanks again, Stringreen. If I go with SS, I am definitely leaning toward an Ayre amp at this point. Really intrigued by the new VXR but it is an expensive piece of kit.Good listening to you as well!