
Responses from aewhistory

Vandersteen Subs 2W, 2Wq, etc. as LFE
Hi Bonmanp, Thank you! This is such a simply idea I wish I'd thought of it myself. I was so wrapped around the idea of using the pre/pro at the center that I hadn't really thought outside of the box (in this case that saying rather applies literal... 
Amp Specs esp. DampFactor : Citation, Adcom, etc.
Hi Kijanki,You make some good points. The dealer with whom I should have a good relationship--I've given him over $20k worth of biz--is a complete ass in my opinion, so I don't go there any longer, but there are some others I could approach.... I ... 
Amp Specs esp. DampFactor : Citation, Adcom, etc.
True enough, and I do appreciate the feedback especially as it is a good point, but all of the equipment I am considering is what most would call "classic" stuff. For instance, although I've got the Citations already, if I didn't there wouldn't be... 
Vandersteen Subs 2W, 2Wq, etc. as LFE
Damn! Thanks Rrog, I appreciate the information. I was afraid that this was the answer--almost sure actually--but I wanted to ask to be sure. 
Modding Citation Amps
Thank you both for the replies. Gbart, I've e-mailed you; Mingles, I'll take a looksie at that webpage.In the meantime, has anyone here ever done anything like this? Failing that, how 'bout modding other amps? Is it worth it?Thanks,Aaron 
Amplifiers:A Keeper for Life. Do you know of one ?
Well, this is just my own preference, but I'll never part with my Citation 7.1s. I might add one in fact. The only other amp, in my price range, that I'd like to own is an Aragon. Now if you're asking about price is no object, fantasy amps, that m... 
How do you determine how much to spend on speakers
How much money is in my bank account? That's how much money I can spend on speakers!Just kidding of course. In all seriousness, the REAL way I determine how much money I can spend on speakers is the shade of red my wife's face turns when I mention... 
The best speaker you ever heard?
Wow, people have listed some amazing speakers here and I've simply not got anything to compare. My father's Quad ESLs are awesome and I love my Maggie 1.6QRs, but to be frank I really want some Maggie 3s (I actually wouldn't want the 20s, too much...