
Responses from audiomax

Would a Pass Aleph 5 be able to drive Thiel 3.5 ?
Get a used Plinius SA-100 and end your search ($1800 to $2100 depending on the condition). The Aleph 5,Bryston 3B, or 4B-ST will not have enough current to drive the Thiel CS 3.5. 
Any problems selling equipment outside of USA?
For private party, after the deal is finalized,the best way to handle the transaction is to have the buyer wire money to your bank before sending the amp. 
Best Phono stage for a .3 mv Ruby 2 ?
I second Albertporter's... The Benz Lukaschek PP-1 T9 Phono Stage (retail $1,350) is the best match for your Benz Ruby. 
The Best Surround "Ceiling" speaker out there?
Try and give us a call for pricing info if interested. 
Which Preamp for Bryston 4BST. BP-25 or Rogue 66
Blue Circle BC21 is a terrific match with 3B-ST or 4B-ST. 
What is your most anal audio habit?
I don't mind to spend 4 to 5 hours to get up, adjust my tonearm VTA, sit down, listen for any difference in sound quality, and then get up, adjust, sit down,listen, and...You get the idea. 
Audio Physic's "New" Virgo---Better?? How So??
Be patient with them. It took me 4 days off non-stop running them to start hearing their glories. Superior to the MK II so far... 
EL34: Svetlana or Ei?
Obvious answer is Ei 
Has anyone compared the MSB DAC's
The MSB Link DAC III is good for what it does at $399. When compared the Link DAC III to other expensive DACs for example, Bel Canto DAC1 ($995), Odeon lite ($975),I found it is less smooth and rough sounding at the frequency extremes. It tends to...