
Responses from audioslain02

What is an acceptable level of transformer hum on a Krell S300i?
Are you using RCA inputs or XLR inputs into your Krell? If using RCA , then “shorting pins” may be required on the XLR inputs. I had this happen to me on an old KAV250a amp. I was getting a terrible hum until jumpers were installed. I remember ema... 
Oppo UDP-205 MQA Confusion
I registered back in April directy on Oppos site. I have 2 functioning email addresses. I registered once for each address. As of 7/2 , I have heard nothing. How are people being notified?  By that I mean , dooes one have a certain time to reply ?... 
price of Oppo players threw the roof
I think it was about March or April.  
Oppo UDP-205 MQA Confusion
Has anybody heard anything new about this so called “final release “?   I really would like to get my hands on one. I signed up to Oppos mailing list about this some months ago but haven’t heard anything.  
Krell Showcase 7 Pre Pro Configure Problems
Yes, my whole intent going in was to use this as a audio only component. I knew the video part of the Showcase was outdated. That`s probably why I skipped over the video portion of the included printed manual. Luckily my display had a composite co... 
Krell Showcase 7 Pre Pro Configure Problems
Thank you Aux for responding. The mistake I was making all along was misinterpreting what OSD meant. I was under the impression that OSD meant the screen on the unit itself. The seller did tell me it had to be configured via the OSD. My bad. I ema... 
Changes that made a difference (in order of effect).
Biggest improvement in my system was swapping out an old B&K PT5 preamp for a Parasound Halo P5 preamp. Amazing difference, especially at lower volumes.Jeff 
Oppo Ceasing production
So close ...but no go.I was in contact with Al from Magnolia AV about getting the OPPO 205.He tried, took my info and said he'd let me know. He thought maybe there was a couple left. Nadda. The sales system wouldnt accept any more orders. I want t... 
Romex and breaker switches
"There can be advantages to using 10 gauge wire on a 20A circuit, including reducing voltage drop. It is difficult to work with, and using a pigtail into the outlet does make it easier to terminate."Not only is this a Code Violation, this is a MAJ... 
To Roon or not to Roon
No, no separate zones. Just my living/listening room. The Tidal appis ok, obviously the Roon app is better. Adding a Streamer bringsmore apps. I`m getting app'ed out. Decisions...iMac(Tidal/Roon)/Local hard drive files as a source. Also Oppo BDP-9... 
Thoughts on the Essence HDACC II 4K
I've owned the HDACC (first version, no 4k) for 2 years now andall I can say is it`s the most versatile , good sounding DAC outthere without getting into crazy money. So many in/outs and the fact that it has HDMI in/out is a huge plus. I run my OP... 
When you suddenly realize....
Had Tidal for about 3 months now. Just got Roon yesterday. Absolute paradise. Now as I stare at my CD rack in the corner (about700) ,collecting dust. I put a lot of work and money into that collection and now it seems pointless...Jeff 
Oppo UDP-205 MQA Confusion
Thank you for responding. I wasn't aware that MQA could be experienced outside of streaming, which is what I do via Tidal Masters and a Dragonfly Red. I do enjoy it very much.Jeff 
Oppo UDP-205 MQA Confusion
yes, that's what Oppo's Customer Service told me as well.I`m surprised at the lack of discussion about this. BTW, in the April issue of Sound and Vision, there's a very short mention that the 205 isMQA compatible , but there's no mention that it h... 
2 channel to 5 channel question(s)
Yes , exactly Erik. It just occured to me yesterday.  I JUST purchased this Halo P5 about 6 weeks ago from an AudioGon Seller. Fair price, noregrets. At the time I wasn't thinking about 5.1/7.1. Exremely pleasedwith the P5 as a 2ch preamp. I'm als...