
Responses from bear

Tell me if i got it wrong..
Tubes do not "interpolate" values or anything else.Solid state is not inherently more precise.Jinmtvt has it wrong, completely wrong.Since almost everyone's digital today has a real brick wall at just over 20kHz. the bandwidth of almost any half d... 
Help ?
Likely your amp has crapped out.You can use almost any old speaker to try on the amp -including some from a store with a return policy. Conversely, you could buy a cheap receiver, and gently turn up the power and see if you fried the speakers too.... 
Any Versa Dynamics TT Owners??
If you email me privately I can keep you up to date asI do some mods on the one that is here...I am wondering how many are out there... it's always agood idea to make more parts than for just one so that onedoes not have to go back and set up ever... 
Cable Comparison-Stage 1
Ozzy, I am sorry that your experience was not the same as a vast majority of those who have tried my Silver Lightning cables...You wrote: The other cable I would have needed for my Krell Amp would have needed to be a balanced cable and 2 meters lo... 
Cable Comparison-Stage 1
Yes, Ozzy - but you used *one* cable. Did your system have more than one cable in the signal path? I don't recall.If you use more than one, you were likely hearing the *other* cable(s). I think I offered to send you other cables to complete the sy... 
Vinyl and slurring S'es
You won't believe this! But it's true. The problem is most likely the interconnects between the TT and the phono preamp! Really. I sell interconnects under my brand name BEAR Labs, so I do have an interest in this issue. Many times, I've demo'd th... 
Electrostatic speaker cables...
Dennis, I'll have to measure them - I do not recall what the specs actually are, since it's been more than 10 years since I first came up with this cable design (Silver Thunder). At that time no one ever asked about these two issues.If it's really... 
Electrostatic speaker cables...
Dennis, I'll have to measure them - I do not recall what the specs actually are, since it's been more than 10 years since I first came up with this cable design (Silver Thunder). At that time no one ever asked about these two parameters.If it's re... 
Cable Comparison-Stage 1
Thanks for the kind words Viggen, but I'm also the shipping clerk and janitor... :- )But seriously, if anyone has any questions or thoughts for me, I'd be happy to try and answer them. I'm on Audiogon quite a bit, btw.Also, I'm wondering which vin... 
Cable Comparison-Stage 1
As the guy who makes the BEAR Labs stuff, and also someone who has no idea who Viggen is, I'd like to thank him for the effort and reporting he's done here.IMHO, if you sum up his reports regarding my product, the Silver Lightning, it merely shows... 
300B tube ringing
IF it is only one tube doing it, then you'll need to retube at least that channel. Tubes are *microphonic* and the degree to which they do that varies quite a lot, as does their internal self noise - so that's one set of parameters which are used ... 
Smoke coming from transformer means........anyone?
The Varic method should be used with an AMMETER in the line to the DUT (device under test). You monitor the current, and if it starts to swing high, you kill the power...If the transformer smoked (presumably the power transformer) it is almost cer... 
Where to find info on the acclaimed parasound JC-1
The EVIDENCE can not be denied!! Stan is a traitor!! That cat told me that he would *never* switch away from the BEAR Lab's Symphony No.1 amp. Stan said it was the most. He said that it was the *cat's meow* and that was *it* for him. The perfect t... 
The Best Amplifier Ever ?
Zaikesman, no. But the technical measurement of an amp is one criterion of performance. Just one. There is no doubt in my mind that at the present time the HALCRO *measures* better than any other commercially built amp. IT could still sound like d... 
Where to find info on the acclaimed parasound JC-1
Bob, As long as *STAN* likes it, I'm good with it!!I'm looking forward to Stan's review... two paws up?Meow, meow!!