
Responses from bofh

corus vs coherence 2
Over the years I've owned a couple of Coherence IIs as well as all of the iterations of the Synergy (I, II, IIi). Right now I'm quite impatiently awaiting the arrival of a Corus.Guido's description is pretty much spot on and the last iterations of... 
KEF 103/4 loudspeakers; any comments
According to Orion:Kef Kube 200 ActiveMSRP = $400Used Retail = 131.67 - 160.93Mint Trade-in = 81.63 - 99.77Avg Trade-in = 50.04 - 61.16 
Record cleaning Q's - brushes and fluid
Two points....1) Static -- I've found that static build-up is more or less of a problem depending on the fluid used. For instance the RRL/MoFi fluids tend to have more of a static problem than the DD fluids. The one thing that will ensure a really... 
What do you think of Vandersteen 5a's?
I'm going to have to disagree with cyctocycle on a couple of points.1) While the 5As share some of the same sonic characteristics of the other Vandersteen speakers they aren't just larger/more expensive versions of the other models. I've had the 2... 
Graham Phantom damping fluid level.
It's wonderful... I'm playing with VTA now... I'm finding that tail up is producing much better results for me than level or tail down. This is the exact opposite of any other cartridge I've ever owned.Various searches that I've done are confirmin... 
Graham Phantom damping fluid level.
I've been following this thread off and on since it started. In my previous configuration (using a Koetsu Jade) I got good results with the fluid level about 1mm past the start of the square shank (new bearing cap).I just installed the Transfigura... 
Nos Amperex 12AX7 Bugle Boy's hard to find.
I don't think that he has any on hand, but Jim McShane is another good source for tubes. Incredibly helpful and willing to take the time to make sure that you find the "right" tube for your needs. 
Damping factor or watts?
So in our imperfect world, which is more important?Frankly, neither.The most important thing is how the system as a whole sounds to YOU in YOUR room.Buying equipment based on specs can be a very expensive endeavor. You might find the perfect set o... 
Analog - Basic Tools
I maintain an audio toolkit in my listening room with all of the various tools needed to maintain the system. The items that get used in maintenance of the analog rig are as follows:1 set of "electronics" screwdrivers. These are high quality, smal... 
High mass arm to mate with my Jade cartridge
I have a Jade mounted to a Graham Phantom on a Clearaudio Master Solution. The Phantom/Jade combo is amazingly warm and musical and I don't hear any indication that there is a mis-match between the cartridge and the arm. 
Also there are two Graham armboard options for the Clearaudio. There's the Graham version (machined out of metal and made by Graham --- has a Graham logo on it) and the Clearaudio version which is acrylic... and rather cheesy.I have the Graham ver... 
High end stores closing do you really care
Interesting thread....I can't imagine losing my local dealer. Sure, he and I don't see eye to eye on everything, but he has always taken good care of me. I don't pay retail there, but my discount isn't huge. The extra that I pay is easily made up ... 
Dedicated Power Line - Directions for Electrician?
Not knowing your exact situation makes this difficult, but here are some guidelines:The two obvious ones:1) Install a 20A circuit2) Use a high-grade receptacle. Some like the "hospital grade" receptacles and others (myself included) spent a ridicu... 
What did Jeff Rowland mean by a "new module?"
As Dazzdax said it's the gain stage for the preamp. The Consummate and Consonnance both had plug-in modules for the gain stage. Over time these modules do fail and need to be replaced. Depending on the vintage you're dealing with the modules may o... 
Best speakers for near rear wall placement?
I can place a vote for the Wilson Duettes. I have a pair right in front of me now that are about 3 inches from the wall and toed into the listening position. The result is truly amazing.Excellent soundstage width and depth and very good bass respo...