
Responses from bydlo

"Harder" cartridge recomendation
I've been offered ex-Raul fr7f. This Raul seems a guy who has owned all carts on earth. Is there any way to contact him? 
"Harder" cartridge recomendation
Ok, it seems that there would be a precedence on 3012R + FR-7: A fellow called T_bone mentioned that"I have not found an FR-7fz, but I am happily using an FR-7f on an SME long arm now. "Would be interesting to learn what longer SME he used/uses an... 
"Harder" cartridge recomendation
What? I'm not attacked and you started to talk +/- about the subject? I'm surprised!Halcro, thanks for the input, both on ZYX comparison and pointing to Topclass. I understand that a peace of mind costs, unlike buying on E...y, so if Topclass is t... 
"Harder" cartridge recomendation
Lewm, thanks. I'll take a look. Yes, with the 2nd arm I'd like to proceed by contraries. Apart from Transfiguration, any interesting cart in the Shelter and Benz families?BTW, why you guys want to behave like primabalerinas and get offended if you... 
"Harder" cartridge recomendation
Lewm, perhaps I did not say it explicitly, but what I'm thinking of is to try to mix the oposites: euphonic pre with a "harder" cart. I do like 834. I want to seewhat it does with a more agressive cart. If this approach is a dead end or not I do n... 
"Harder" cartridge recomendation
U picku materinu, Balkan am I not, but I do know a few tasty phrases in Serbo/Croato/Bosnian (how do you call this language after the fall of Yu?) and Bulgarian, so Nandric beware ;-)Comming back to the subject (which is carts and not personal att... 
"Harder" cartridge recomendation
Dear Nandric, I have no idea what makes so angry and why you insist on deviating from the subject. I do not "demand" anything, I'm simply curious. If there are no answers to my Q's, ok, no problem, it means there are some gaps in the common pool.I... 
"Harder" cartridge recomendation
Pani, not at all: my topis is general as it's stated in the 1st post. I'd be somewhat interested in those sonic impressions too. 
"Harder" cartridge recomendation
Nandric, I think you are very much off the topic of the current thread and I have no idea what made you start this personal attack. Perhaps you should think about your very self?I group the Q's which popped up within the thread, perhaps there is s... 
"Harder" cartridge recomendation
Halco, Nandric, I have no idea about the persons you are mentioning, apart from one of them kindly sending me some useful info via PM and then asking not to ask him any Q's again as he will not reply... IIRC, he was/is some automotive consultant, ... 
"Harder" cartridge recomendation
Pani, "better" is a very tricky word here. What is better for me may be worse for you, you know. One candidate I was looking at was SPU Royal N (without the resonating box which may or may not be responsible for upper bass/lower mids colour), but ... 
"Harder" cartridge recomendation
Well, I don't know if the automotive analogies, which seem to be a kind of standard here, are applicable and for sure do not appeal to me. Let me explain.I have no problem with old used cars, or used TT's (mine 930 has worked in Yugoslavian radio ... 
"Harder" cartridge recomendation
Nandric, they are available only used right? This is something I'd like to avoid...just like buying used underwear ;) What is sort of surprising is that it seemsthere is little verbalized experience on TSD vs SPU carts. Or does it confirm that son... 
EMT TSD15 tonality..colouration ?
In my limited experience SPH also does have this "fatness" at the bottom. I'm also looking for a fast, dynamical cart without that coloration.I'm wondering since EMT derives from SPU family, how different/similar would e.g. Royal N (nude to avoid ... 
"Harder" cartridge recomendation
Let me pharase it differently: is there any interesting cart in the 1-1.2kEu range which would: 1) match SME3012R 2) be "harder", more agressive than TSD15?Cheers,--b