
Responses from cbrentc

How do you 'listen' to new music?
There are some good points (& good humor) above. Music is like any other 'tradition'--film, literature, etc.--in that the broader your familiarity with the tradition, the more you'll appreciate individual contributions to it. Or to take Siliab... 
VPI Aries 2 platter is creating hum
I don't know what would cause hum under those circumstances. Please update if you solve the problem--inquiring minds, etc.Brent 
VPI Aries 2 platter is creating hum
What materials are the original platter made from? It could be that the old platter was shielding the cart from the TT motor or some other source of electronic hum and that the new acrylic platter isn't providing the same shielding. Just a guess, ... 
Stock Tubes on Cayin TA-30?
Hvdb,I've used a stock TA-30 for the past year or so; biasing is a slight pain, but not enough so that it's not worth it to get the amp. The amp has to be turned upside-down & the bottom removed--it's held on by 8 (I think) machine screws. The... 
Best Source for Replacement/Upgrade Tubes??
I bought a bevy of Electroharmonix tubes from They had the best prices I could find for new production tubes, and their shipping was super fast. Can't say about NOS tubes, though, if that's what you're looking for.Brent 
DIY LP cleaning IKEA find
Zaikesman, the rotating platform on my lazy susan rotates atop a smaller pedestal and is about 1" above the table top. So I grip the underside to spin it with my right hand, and scrub with my left (I'm a southpaw). In other respects, my technique ... 
DIY LP cleaning IKEA find
Nice! I use a similar setup made from a 12" marble lazy susan, a 1/4" cork mat, and a cotter pin glued to the center to keep the record from sliding around. I use the DiscDoctor fluid and brushes. These work quite well for me, but they are more ti... 
advantage or disadvantage going biwire vs single
A bit late chiming in here, but I just defeated the bi-wire provision on my speakers, and to me the sound is noticeably smoother, fuller, and more coherent. I've only listened to three record sides since doing it, so it could just be the psychoaco... 
My first tube integrated amp max $500 new/used
Another great value in a tube integrated is the Cayin TA-30. It puts out 30-35 Watts into 8 ohms, is built like a tank, and sounds great. I use one with monitors rated at 90dB/1W/1m, and I've never listened with the volume past 10 o'clock. There's... 
Help Rege 300 tone arm
There is a hex bolt that fixes the horizontal tonearms support to a vertical post. You can loosen this bolt to raise or lower the tonearm support. Sorry, but I can't remember if it's metric or otherwise.Brent 
Phono stage / Preamp Question
In my experience, the Radio Shack phono pre is not in the class of any of the other preamps you mention. A while back, a friend and I did a comparison of the little rat, the NAD PP-1, a c. 1990 or so NAD full preamp (forget model #), and the Rega ... 
Stylus Cleaning Schedule?
I've settled into the pattern of cleaning my stylus (also using the Last brush & cleaner) before each session and dry brushing after each side. This is the result of a couple of things: I recently got a magnifying glass and was alarmed at the ... 
Problem with Rega P25 lift
There is a hex screw that you can loosen to adjust the height of the lifter on my P3/RB300. I assume this is the same for your arm. It's a little weird to adjust because the post it's on will move some when you move the tonearm rest.Brent 
NAD C372 vs C370
I would not replace a piece of gear with its manufacturer's next iteration of the same piece. I haven't heard the 372, so I could be completely off here, but I'm guessing the sonic differences are not huge. Sure, NAD says there are some, & no ... 
Enough Gain?
I'm not Marakanetz, but I have heard the Elys & it is better than I'd have guessed from the general opinion of Rega carts I've found online. I have one on a P3, & it is very smooth and gives music an almost palpable presence. Detail is not...