
Responses from danlib1

So how do you like SACD? 
Burson Audio has a new Preamp-DAC-headamp 3 in 1
If it's anything like the Burson 160 Headphone amp, it should be special indeed. 
Plugging Amp into Power Conditioner???
Some line conditioners limit current; some do not. Really depends on the amp and the line conditioner in my experience. 
Digital room correction, any recommendations?
I tried a few. I never failed to notice a slight reduction in resolution, despite the improvement in bass response, etc realized via digital correction. I recommend judicious use of room treatments first, and if that fails, I'd try the digital rou... 
CDPs That Have Volume Control +Variable Output
You can pick up a Quad player that would meet your needs nicely. They show up on Audiogon pretty frequently. 
Need a solution desperately
Congratulations- glad you nailed it down. These things can be so frustrating, as we all know. 
Who make the pretiest cables, cords out there?
Nasaman- My wife never walked in on me looking at pretty cables, but she almost caught me looking at some pretty racks.RixRax of course. 
Why larger gauge speaker wire for low frequencies?
I remember the first time I tried Audience AU24 speaker cables in my system- I was using Revel speakers at the time.I was stunned at the bass response and definition, combined with a fantastic top end, all communicated via a truly diminutive speak... 
Do power cords make an audible difference?
Byroncunningham- I so enjoyed your post that I've dusted off my ragged old copy of Swineburne's "The Justification of Induction"!I'll unstick this wicket in no time :) 
Best DAC for 27" iMac
Apple lossless is a compression technology, though very good and theoretically lossless. AIFF on the other hand has no compression algorithm at all and renders bit for bit.I believe that's where the inference that it's somewhat "less" than AIFF or... 
Jim Salk's Speakers?
Check out the forums here- I found over 180 comments on Salk speakers. 
Do power cords make an audible difference?
See? Yes, no, and maybe!My advice is to try a cable and find out for yourself...you'll never learn the answer via debate. 
Tube Integrated with Headphone
The Cary units deserve a close look. 
Do power cords make an audible difference?
Yes. No. Maybe.There are a zillion threads about this, and each degrades rapidly into a lowbrow slugfest.I've never said this before to someone on a thread, but here goes:Search the archives. 
Debate on a whole front end change
Masongsong- here's my 2 cents worth.I have no idea about your Dad's Denon, but moving to the PWD, fed uncompressed files would likely yield a noticeable improvement in resolution. Further, once you've controlled a digital front end with an iTouch ...