
Responses from dbjain

liquid sound
I assume that this means liquidity is a desirable thing to have. I guess it would be appreciated only if a non liquid system is heard. Anybody heard a non-liquid system? 
Best amps 15000$ for Avalon Indra
I have the Indra`s and use them them with a Shindo Montrachet push-pull tube amp (40 watts class A) and have no trouble playing to ear splitting levels. The dynamics are very good. 
Avalon Indra vs Revel Studio2 vs Focal 1037BE
I listened to the Watt Puppy 8 , the Alto Focal, and the Sonus Faber Cremona M( which I actually purchased initially).Upon hearing the Avalon Indra, I would say they were the best I had heard driven by tube amplifiers. They are very revealing and ... 
How much longer will CDs be made?
I was a CD listener until I re-heard vinyl on my sound system. I have not listened to a CD since. The definition, clarity, details, accuracy on a decent pressing sounds better to my ears than any CD player can reproduce.On top of that, I was talki... 
Avalon Indra vs Sonus Faber Cremona M
I think the Wilsons sound really nice. However, the Indras really allow your components to come through; just make sure hour system is not too "etchy" or too "hi-fi"; you may get listening fatigue quickly. 
Avalon Indra vs Sonus Faber Cremona M
I agree that the Cremona M is faster and more transparent than the previous version; ? maybe less euphonic. I kind of liked the old one because of its euphony. But, I chose the Indras over the Sonus Faber's. In Canada, the price difference is not ... 
Tw acustik turntables
I have heard a lot of outstanding reviews of this table, hence this thread. Has anyone compared it to a Brinkmann, or Clearaudio? 
Avalon Indra vs Sonus Faber Cremona M
KarelThis is fun...a kindred spirit. I do pick my wines however, according to Robert Parker...if he likes it, I will not! I do not like molasses and overdone wines...exactly what a lot of CD recordings are like. I noticed that your speakers have c... 
Avalon Indra vs Sonus Faber Cremona M
Dear Karel,I just saw your system! Wow...as a newbie, I am wondering how you can listen to CD!Bob 
Avalon Indra vs Sonus Faber Cremona M
I am not one for analyzing things in great detail verbally. I basically walked into this business trusting what I like or not. I approach my wine drinking the same way...I have long ago stopped talking about notes of vanilla, cherry and spice, and... 
Avalon Indra vs Sonus Faber Cremona M
Not to mention that they are tonally excellent and are easy to drive and all of your components to shine though.I also listened to the Isis and it is a larger version of the Indra (or vice-versa). Listening to each one in the appropriate room size... 
Avalon Indra vs Sonus Faber Cremona M
I totally agree with you. In the product information pamphlet, Sonus recommends a high quality amplifier that does not necessarily mean more power. However, these are not the first Italian speakers I have heard that like power. I had listened to D... 
Avalon Indra vs Sonus Faber Cremona M
Further update.My wife, who over the last year has become annoyed with my researching of equipment, keeps saying "stupid sound system stuff".Upon listening to the Indras, she said, they sound much better than the Sonus Faber's. Also, she said, "Wh... 
Avalon Indra vs Sonus Faber Cremona M
I have auditioned the Avalon Indras finally.Here are my thoughts.Firstly , I think that Sonus Faber may be a little generous with their sensitivity. The 87 db Indra feel louder than the Sonus faber by a healthy margin.The cremona M is a great spea... 
Avalon Indra vs Sonus Faber Cremona M
I agree with Hulskof.I initially auditioned the previous Cremona floorstanders and was blown over by their warmth and engaging personality. I had compared them to a Verity Audio Fidelio and there was no contest. I preferred them even to the higher...