
Responses from dinos

spikes under a subwoofer ?
Have a look at this page: www.sonicdesign.se/sdfeet.htmlQuite interesting, and to my knowledge, you can exciteresonances in the floor even if it´s made of concrete!I have tested the SD-feet just in this case,(and at different places) and the impro... 
spikes under a subwoofer ?
You may want to decouple the sub from the floor,and get an even better result! Most people believe in old truth,without understanding too much about this complex matters.Vibration control is indeed a complex subject, but according to an inverstiga... 
SACD and DVD-A:why so negative, "guru"?
Sorry, I have mixed the authors up.Should be Ken Kessler,even put a note on that on the photocopy I took at the libery.My apologize!But regarding the subject of negative attitudes,some reviwers are, in my opinion not clear enough of the courseof t... 
EMC-1 vs. Levinson 360s/Sony SCD-1
Well, the norwegian magazine Audio wrote that Electrocompaniet will probably sell a separate DAC,based onthe EMC-MkII.Another new interesting player is the Advantage S1 reviewed in the latest issue of that magazine.It recieved a very favorable rev... 
Interconnection cables, excellent finding.
Sorry,I think I may have calculated the price of the Silk II cables in a wrong way. (I deducted the Swedish VAT or sales tax , then divideded it with the current excange rate for dollars vs the swedish currency,but used an older price to begin wit... 
DVD A Sacd or Stay put for a while
After reading some negative postings here,concerning SACD,I feel that you think about what happens, if all of us think "I will wait and see what happens......". There is a concept called 1/n, where 1 stands for the individual,and n stands for all ... 
What 's the different between MDF and HDF ?
Sorry,I was in a hurry when I wrote the response.More correctly: HDF stands for high density fibreboard, i.e.it is made from harder wood,with higher density.May I add, that good speakerbuilding takes place atthe crossroads between art and science,... 
ATC speakers, anyone heard of them?
Havn´t heard them, but check some English magazines asHi-fi News or Hi-fi Choise,they have most likely reviewed them.RegardsHåkan 
What 's the different between MDF and HDF ?
There is much written on the net, about MDF or medium density fibreboard, have a search trought e.g. Dogfile. There was a site dedicated to MDFsubjects, but I was unable to find it again.HDF stands for heavy densyty fibreboard, i.e. it is made fro... 
Levinson Amps: What do they really sound like?
I also agree to what Blackie wrote.How can one know that anamp doesn´t change the signal of recorded music?What will the comparison be,no amp at all? But then there will be no sound´....In reality, all components in the reproduction chain seemsto ... 
Are they truly balanced?
Kenl!Please check my posting of 07-19-01 under Digital.I made a short summery of a review of EMC-1 MkII,and mentioned that the Dac of that player will be sold separately,according to the review in the Norwegian magazine Audio.Regards Håkan 
Electrocompaniet EMC-1 Mk.II news
Reading Enlish,German,Danish,Norwegian, that what I´m used to.But wrighting the above posting,that´s a part of a greater project; to be able to wright in foreign languages,without too much effort.But with dayly exercises.....If I was a dealer........ 
Bi-amp with same sort of amp?
Well, I carried out an experiment yesterday. I connectedone channel of the big class A amp to a full-range speaker,the other speaker was connected to one of my homebuilt mono-blocks. Yes, the amps in question have different gain,and one inverts th... 
Bi-amp with same sort of amp?
Reason for asking is that I have experienced different timing or pace in the same music, when listening to different amplifiers. E.g. I have a 100 w Class A amp which is somewhat slower in the lower register, than my home-built monoblocks, all are... 
Speaker Enclosures
I think it´s good to combine it with another material, such as MDF.Will use this combination myself. Regards Håkan