
Responses from dinos

By comparision, I recently listened to a system, at someone´s home, and that system consisted of a Pass X-350, Pass Aleph P, Wilson system 6,Naim CDS II,SME 20 with Ortofon 7500. Did it sound good? Not at all!Or more correctly, hard to enjoy or ev... 
Anyone heard the NAD S-500 CD player?
Maybe You should check the new (will be out in October, I think) Sony SCD-555ES player,I believe it to do well as a CDP, with the bonus of SACD-capacity.I´ve heard the SCD-777ES, and thought that it was rather convincing as a CD-player. 
Optimum speaker placement
There are some computer programs, like Visual Ears, Cara, or programs integrated in speaker building programs like SoundEasy 3.20(that I own), where You can model Your room and speaker placement, and get a lot of information, before placing the sp... 
What's most important?
What most important?Everything in a system is important, and that includes your own ears, of course!A system is working in an environment, in which the system in itself, is an integrated part.Where does additional efforts pay divident the most? Of... 
OFF, Standby, or ON for amplifiers
As usual,the answer depends on the conditions;if the equipment in question get real hot under usage,( the first thing that comes to my mind i a class A poweramplifier),then there is several thing that happens inside it. When turning it on,the heat... 
Long ago, I made an experiment by connecting my tuner to my poweramp,while using a potentiometer only. This set-up could be regarded as I was using a primitive passive preamp. My conclusion at that time was; the music sounded clearer, more direct,...