
Responses from dirtyragamuffin

Your "DREAM" piece
I'd say a Blue Circle AG8000 but that's against the rules since my preamp isn't balanced...so let's go with any Blue Circle 200-series hybrid amp. I won't be picky. I bet that would be pretty cool. Nrchy man, good taste in turntables eh ;) 
How Long Did it Take to Burn In a new piece?
Phono carts always take me forever since they're something I can't leave going while I'm out ;) 
Good Headphones...What should I Get?...
GRADO. Don't forget the headphone amp. Spend as much as you're willing because IME they get better as you spend more. I super dig my SR225s. 
Deqx vs. Behringer or Dbx Digital Crossovers?
Yes, like I say, I'm not trying to knock it, just making you hip to what they're about insomuch as I know. I agree it's not up to audiophile standards. I wish I had something to say about the deqx but I won't hear it until the 29th. I wish you luc... 
Girlfriends and wifes, how do YOU cope?
Joeylawn36111Vaporvr6 - consider yourself lucky if you have a girlfriend, period. ;)^what he said!! 
Deqx vs. Behringer or Dbx Digital Crossovers?
I have a background in studio and live sound work. Behringer is the laughing stock of the industry. They make cheap knockoffs with the cheapest parts they can possibly find and cheap Chinese labor. They don't have an R&D department so much as ... 
Cable support poll.
i've got orangina bottles and chopsticks. Nothing but the classiest at the ragamuffin household. Mostly they keep the cables organized, going the right way and off the dusty wood floor. 
Are you Guys Rich or What!?
i've been out of college for a year and a half, turn 24 in a couple weeks, work freelance, make jack, and have about $30K retail in gear, around 14-ishK out of pocket thanks to good deals and some luck. My parents don't give half a crap about musi... 
What Happens When You Die?
How could I worry about my silly wordly posessions when I'm dead as a doornail? Sorry to be cynical, but I could distill my whole music collection down to "stuff that keeps me busy while I'm not dead". 
Best Budget system? $500-$750 tops
I second NAD and PSB; if you can find any Clements di series speakers, I'd recommend those, too. Don't forget cabling--how about mag wire/Speltz Anti-Cables? I have heard great things from trustworthy opinions. 
MM vs. MC
Thanks to everyone, Have any of you heard anything about the Clearaudio Aurum Beta Mark II?I have owned an Aurum Beta and, until I accidentally killed it last week, an Aurum Beta S (you are all encouraged to post on my thread asking about replacem... 
Apple or PC?
I will be using it for research, writing papers (word/excel), sometimes taking notes in class, music, some photo editing, the odd DVD on trips, and internet surfing.Hi, sorry I'm late to this thread and haven't had a chance to read the other posts... 
D'oh I killed my cartridge...now what?
Oh man, a 90X...that would hurt!I am leaning towards the Benz M2. Does anyone have anything to say about it? What would the sonic differences be between the M2 and H2? I know it's generally said that lower output can yeild better resolution but wo... 
D'oh I killed my cartridge...now what?
Well, not alot of bites on this thread but I've been narrowing my search and have it to the Benz wood M2 and the Lyra Dorian. This is what my researchh has led me to, and I wonder if anyone can advise me--make sure I have this right, and make reco... 
D'oh I killed my cartridge...now what?
Thanks guys. I have no doubt that at this level, they're all good. But I'm having terrible trouble figuring out what the sonic diferences are in these carts--searches yeild little other than "I have X cartridge, it is good, I like it." Has anyone ...