
Responses from edgewear

Best vintage DD turntables from the 70's and 80's?
@knollbrent ’Anyone have the Pioneer PL-70L II?’Actually I do and can recommend it highly. It was part of a Japan only series of three models. The PL-30L II and PL-50L II were the smaller ones with 9" tonearms, the PL-70 II was bigger with a 12" v... 
How do you store and catalog your vinyl?
In my case physical storage is something entirely different than cataloging on paper. On paper it's really simple: 3 different lists for classical, jazz and rock/pop, each alphabetically ordered by name of composer (in classical) or artist.Physica... 
Audiocraft AC3300 / 4400 experiences
Thanks for the tip, will do that. 
Audiocraft AC3300 / 4400 experiences
@chakster, apparently it went nowhere. In the meantime I have the AC-4400 installed on a Micro AX-6G armbase on RX-1500G turntable, alongside a Reed 3P 12" and a FR-64fx. It surpasses the AC-4000 it replaced by a considerable margin. It sounds ver... 
Klemperer Mahler 7 mystery?
I've read this too, which is one of the reasons why I keep trying to grasp what Klemperer tried to communicate with the 7th. He took his time in the other Mahler recordings (although his first movement of no.2 is quickly paced) but this 7th is suc... 
Audiocraft AC3300 / 4400 experiences
@chakster Thanks for the link. I remember that one, but it quickly diverted into a discussion about the FR-64fx, which I'm very fond of as well.I was hoping to get some fresh input on the AC-3300/4400, for instance about the use of the damping flu... 
Which Nakamichi to choose?
This thread brings back treasured memories, but this recent revival and reappreasal of the compact cassette is also something curious. Is it nostalgia, or was it really that good? In my student days I was a fanatical 'taper'. My small budget for r... 
Top of the heap..a century of research and advancements,the new Ortofon Century Cartridge.
I've mentioned this elsewhere in a post about the announcement of the SPU Century, another one of their 'celebration' pieces at €5k. More 'affordable', but still about twice the price of previous Anniversary SPU's. Ortofon has always been one of t... 
Technics Turntables...really???
Just what the world needs: another Technics Turntable Thread!Can you recognize a troll when you see one? 
Micro RX 5000 Renaissance?
@amg56, your analogy with old cars is sort of interesting. It seems to me that all the electronics and software in modern cars put up a barrier between the driver and the actual driving experience. Yes, everything is much more sophisticated, but i... 
My impression is that high end audio since the 90's went down into a rabbit hole, which I would describe as 'data dump'. The majority of  designers seem to focus on the highest possible resolution, as if the essence of music can best be communicat... 
Ortofon SPU Century, time to celebrate the heritage?
@ferrari275, I may have been a bit harsh there and it certainly wasn’t my intention to question anyone’s buying decisions. That is not my concern and none of my business.My ’call to arms’ is motivated by a genuine concern that the high end audio ’... 
Ortofon SPU Century, time to celebrate the heritage?
@chakster, smart marketing for sure. The trophy hunters just love 'limited editions'. And in my opinion ANY cartridge over $2k is a rip off, not just SPU's. I must admit I'm guilty of paying a bit more than that on a few occasions, but I draw the ... 
Ortofon SPU Century, time to celebrate the heritage?
@chakster, Thanks for joining the SPU Anniversary party! The Classic GME mk2 (with elliptical tip) didn't convince me either, although I wouldn't exactly call it awful (in my opinion that qualification would better suit the Denon DL-103 series). W... 
Micro RX 5000 Renaissance?
@rauliruegas, thank you for the explanation. English is not my native tongue, so perhaps I was ignorant of the correct meaning. I stand corrected!I’m not a member of the ’Congregation of MS Acolytes’ and their products are not at all sacrosanct to...