
Responses from elrod

Used audiophile preamp
I have an Atma-Sphere MP-3 which is a fantastic sounding pre 
Greatest debut album
My best is Van HalenWas in Okinawa at the time. My buddy went to the PX and bought Van Halen because he liked the way the cover looked. We were just all blown away with it. That album made its way up and down the barracks, being recorded by everyone 
$10k Speaker Cables??????????????
Actually that's  in Australian dollars. With the good ol' US of A greenback it's "only" $7221... 
The nightmare of the cartridge buyer...
@nrenter,Dripping sarcasm - I love it! 
Best Preamp New or Used up to $3,000 ??
+1 on the Atma-Sphere MP-3. Fantastic preamp 
... what is Settling Time in cables and interconnects...
Ask one hundred people, you'll get one hundred different answers. Even if you can find someone to give you a direct answer to your questions, would you believe them without verifying yourself? Let your ears be your guide and cut out the middle man... 
Freddie Mercury 
XLR interconnect for new DAC/pre-amp to power amp--suggestions please for $500 or less
I 2nd the  Mogami's and use the extra cash elsewhere. You at least owe it to yourself to test the Mogami up against anything else you're considering 
Which band IS really America's Greatest (rock & roll band)?
Steppenwolf, Grand Funk, Aerosmith,The Boss 
Burt Reynolds has passed away
Sad day indeed. I loved him in "The Crew". A sleeper but really good. Highly recommend if you haven't seen it - great comedy 
When did AudiogoN become a Showcase for The Music Room?
I think they're just trying to make a living working with something that  they enjoy. I bought a preamp from them and being from the Denver area, I went to their place and picked it up. It's not just a guy working out of a garage, they actually ha... 
I'm in the camp of "sure some cables may make some difference", but I've never heard the improvements claimed by others. I'd much rather put my money into upgrading my gear... 
What Matters and What is Nonsense
Better to be tweaking than twerking... 
Strange Recording Some hear Yanni the other Laurel
The very first word I hear seems to be a mix of Yanni & Laurel. after the first word, it's all Laurel 
Am i missing something without a power conditioner?
@atmasphere , does the Elgar give you any protection for surge, like a close lightning strike?If not, what would be your suggestion to use along with the Elgar?