

Responses from erndog

Tyler Acoustics D20 vs. D1 vs. D10
Also check out the Linbrooks. I know a couple big Tyler fans that tried the new D series and bought them and after awhile they sold them because they preferred the Linbrooks, Super towers, or Woodmeres. All of which have the Seas drivers. 
Is audio a kind of spiritual journey?
I believe all people are spiritual and that we're all on a spiritual path whether we know it or not. Any time I'm able to have those moments when I can let go of all my worries and thoughts and just be in the moment- is so precious.There's times w... 
Review: Ultra Fi Ultra Fi Abisque USB Filter DA converter
Anybody compare the Aubisque USB Filter with Empirical Audio Short block? They are both the same price at $200. 
Your most played songs
Over the past month, here's my top 7 most played songs from my itunes playlist:1. Dead Can Dance, "Opium"2. Vienna Teng, "The Aetheist Christmas Carol"3. Cowboy Junkies, "We are the Selfish Ones"4. Mary Carpinter, "10,000 Miles"5. Alexi Murdoch, "... 
Amarra or amarra symphony???
Take a look at their website and compare the different features to see which one will meet your needs.Also try a free demo of both. I demo'd Amarra HiFi and Amarra and choose to purchase Amarra because it had the eq and gap-less play back, which i... 
Rip CD to Mac - basic question
I've been using XLD to do my rips for the past year and rip to either aiff or wav. I do have a question about best sound. For XLD's ripper mode are people using cdparanoia III or XLD Secure ripper?Thanks,Ernie 
Room treatments
You might get more responses posting your question on the Audiocircle forum. GIK has their own forum there and Bryan and Glen post there regularly. I think Bryan is the facilitator. 
Christmas '12 Audio Upgrades?
The only audio Christmas presents I'll ever get are the ones I buy for myself. My family will never spend that amount of money on audio for me. I have gotten some CD gift certificates to Amazon which is great, because I buy lots of cd's from them.... 
the hrx format
Mrtennis- Can you say anything more about how the HRx material sounds? I can't tell if you like the 4 discs or not. 
Power cable for Pass Labs 250.5
Also consider Audience Powerchord "e" version. This really made my XA30.5 shine. Nothing else really made a difference. 
the hrx format
I recently checked these on the Reference Recordings website. Sounds interesting. $45 is steep for a recording. Are these worth it? I was considering trying out "Britten's Orchestra". Thanks for any impressions about that one. 
Are you still playing CDs after, comp based syst?
I recently upgraded my dac to an Empirical Audio Overdrive SE and it is a game changer for sure. Since this addition, my pc rig has surpassed my cdp in every way. My cdp is no slouch either- Modwright tube Oppo 83.My cdp doubles as my blu ray play... 
Pangea AC-9SE vs AC-9
It's not very flexible, but with enough length you can wrangle it into tight spaces. It may put stress on components. 
iPhone/iTunes best connection advice
For the best sound quality you're going to want something that bypasses the iphone's dac.The best option would be the Wadia.Another option would be the Pure i-20. 
Preamps built Into DACs
I tried both ways with my Nuforce DAC-9 192k and preferred the sound with my preamp in place. When I used the DAC as the preamp it sounded a tad clinical and in your face. For my preamp, I'm using a Placette active and it has an excellent volume c...