

Responses from erndog

Help Me Name a New Band
The Power Conditioners 
High quality subwoofer - which one?
Johnnyb53- My experience is that everybody has an opinion about everything and so I take it with a grain of salt. The experience I trust is when I try different things and to hear how that sounds in my system with my ears. Only you can say what wi... 
High quality subwoofer - which one?
This is a very interesting thread because I'm also dealing with similar issues, so the information here is valuable.Let me throw in my 2 cents. I have Tyler Acoustic Linbrook speakers w/bass modules and I've measured their response in my room to g... 
Whats more important, source cables or amp cables?
After lots of testing, I found that the cable that made the most noticeable difference was the source to preamp cable. So I always use my best cable in that position. 
Best vibration isolation device for cd player?
For my MW/Oppo 83 I use 3 vibrapod cones. They are $8 each and provide a dramatic improvement of clarity and detail. I tried their vibrapod isolators and they made my rig sound warmer, which was not the direction I wanted to go. I also tried a com... 
What do you feel?
I use music to help me relax when I come home from work. I play music in the morning as I'm getting ready for my day and this could be rock or soft classical depending on my mood.Aside from that, when I'm listening I sometimes can feel the emotion... 
Review: Tyler Acoustics Decade 1 (D1) Speaker
Nice review Stephen. I'd like to upgrade to these speakers.I've had my Tyler Acoustics Linbrook Signature System speakers for a couple years now and just love them. I can only imagine what these D1's would sound like. They look very tall in the ph... 
room analysis software
I've never tried the denim acoustic insulation.I chose to use GIK products for room treatment for 3 reasons:1- Their prices are great especially for bass traps2- They have the best customer service. You can send them photos or drawings of your roo... 
room analysis software
Eleet,My goal is to have a flat curve and I'm using a JL Audio Fathom F110 for the lower frequencies. For room treatment I'm using GIK tri trips for the corners and a set of 244's panels for the first reflections. Just using those has made a consi... 
room analysis software
There is a free program called REW on the Home Theater Shack website. All you need to do is be a member and you can download the program. There is plenty of help and useful links to help get you started as there is a learning curve to use the prog... 
Upgrading Fuses
I recently tried an Acme fuse in my Pass Labs XA30.5 amp and heard in immediate improvement. I wouldn't say it was a significant improvement, but not a subtle one either. At first I heard more high end extension. The next day I heard an extension ... 
Best audio purchase of 2011
Pass Labe XA30.5 and Placette Active preamp. Listening to a well recorded cd is a sublime experience! 
So, what's your audio resolution for 2012?
Let's see...Experiment with different power cables and speaker cablesBut mostly, I'll be enjoying lots of new music and being in BLISS :) 
Modwright sony xa5400 vs Modwright Oppo 95
Not sure if you've seen this thread or not, but it is a 7 page thread on the Oppo 95 on the Modwright forum page of Audio Circle. http://www.audiocircle.com/index.php?topic=91731.0 
Critical Listening Training Document
I just bought that Aaron Copland book on Amazon. Looks like a good read. Thanks for this post and the book recommendation.